Venice moves to ban “And Tango Makes Three,” gay parenting books

By John Mack Freeman

The city of Venice, Italy has moved to ban books related to single-sex partnerships and gay adoption as part of a move to the right by the city’s new conservative mayor, Luigi Brugnaro. Via the Telegraph:

“We don’t want to discriminate against anyone and at home parents can call themselves daddy number one and daddy number two, but I have to consider the majority of families, which have a mum and a dad,” [Brugnaro] told La Repubblica newspaper. “It is parents who should educate children about these things, not schools.”

Around 1,000 copies of the book, as well as other titles, were introduced into the educational system by the previous centre-Left administration.

Camilla Seibezzi, a councillor with responsibility for anti-discrimination policies who was behind the project, accused the new mayor of “censorship”.

The previous administration had made approximately 1,000 copies of the book available. Subsequent books destined for purging remain to be seen.

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