A Fond Farewell by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser


This month I will be cycling off the RT news committee. For the past 2 years I’ve had the privilege to be assigned the task of compiling the blog’s GLBTRT member profiles. Many blog readers have told me this is their favorite part of the blog, and I am touched by that, but any credit should go not to me, but to our fabulous membership!

It has been a pleasure and an honor to get to know so many of you through interviews for the blog! We have such a diverse membership. We have academic librarians and public librarians, reference librarians and children’s librarians. We have foodies and theatre junkies, pet lovers and world travelers. We have singers and writers, gardeners and astronomers. We have aficionados and hobbyists of all sorts. We read sci fi and true crime, graphic novels and (surprise!) LGBT books galore. We love our friends, our families, and our friend families. We are truly an impressive group of unique individuals.

I want you all to know: GLBTRT members are my favorite people in ALA. And possibly the world.

I want to thank Nel Ward and Mack Freeman, who have been my committee chairs during this cycle. It’s been a delight to serve under each of you. Hopefully I will be doing something again soon for the RT.

And, since I used to be a radio DJ, and have never outgrown my propensity to dedicate songs to people, this one goes out to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to let me ask you about your life, your work, your inspirations, your aspirations, and even your favorite holiday J



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