Meet Scott Sheidlower! An RT Member Profile


By Tess Goldwasser

What is your role in the GLBTRT?

A regular member, and a reviewer for the review blog.

What does the GLBTRT mean to you?

Someone is looking out for our interests in a mostly hetero world.

Are you involved in ALA in other ways?

I am the NMRT liaison to the AJL, and I am co-chair for the P/R Xchange award.

What professional work do you perform?

I am an academic librarian at the City University of New York, in charge of Circulation and Archives.

What would you like to tell us about your personal life?

I am disabled, and a proud liberal Jew. I love theater and go when I can. I am also a grateful member of Al-Anon. Students are very important to me. I am a published author having co-wrote Humor and Information Literacy with Josh Vossler. I am working on my next book with Professor Mark Aaron Polger of the College of Staten Island. I am very active in my world in spite of being a cancer survivor and an epileptic.

What are you most proud of?

Being a Gay, Jewish, Disabled Librarian. And the fact that I was on the original Candid Camera as a kid (and I found the camera!)

Who inspires you?

Hillel and Maimonides. I still look at large parts of the world through their eyes.

What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate?

Rosh Ha-Shannah, and I spend it in Shul.

What do you have to say about the future of libraries?

We will be around for a long time. We were invented over 5,000 years ago and it will take technology a while to catch up with us.

Where would you like to see the GLBTRT go in the future?


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