By John Mack Freeman
Earlier this week, a game titled “Kill the Faggots” was published on Steam’s Project Greenlight. Project Greenlight allows Steam community members to upload games of their own devising to be shared throughout the community. Featuring no editorial guidelines or staff oversight, this homophobic game reached the public, sparking an immediate outcry. The game was massively reported by the community and has since been taken down. Via
The game in question had the player kill gay and transgender people for points, losing if they shot any heterosexuals.
The game was a blunt example of hate speech being used to target queer people, literally by shooting them. There wasn’t even a thinly veiled excuse of “satire”, as was the case with the controversial Call of Taburetka Facebook game.
For those interested, the trailer is below (Editorial note: I have not viewed the trailer because I’m having a good evening and I don’t want it dragged down by this incredibly hateful display):