Meet Nik Dragovic! An RT Member Profile

By Tess Goldwasser

(Ed note: Nik was interviewed back in January! Then he got buried under my massive to do list… Until now! So he DEFINITELY mentions the 2015 ALA Midwinter Meeting as if it is a future, and not past, event, but given THIS context, the context of the mountain o’ stuff on my desk his interview just surfaced to the top of, this makes perfect sense. Sorry Nik! You’re awesome!)

What is your role in the GLBTRT?

I joined the GLBTRT after the Annual conference in Las Vegas. So far I’ve just been trying to get up to speed on the web presence and current initiatives! I’m heading to Chicago for Midwinter, so I’m hoping to attend some of the scheduled programming. I’ll also be representing Que(e)ry there, so hopefully we can spark some kind of conversation about our related missions as organizations. Of course, I’m also excited to plan for Annual in San Francisco! That’s going to be a great time to be engaged in GLBTRT.

What does the GLBTRT mean to you?

I really value the legacy inherent to the organization. At the same time that it maintains currency with relevant and emerging issues, there’s such a wealth of prior actions and advocacy that establishes an impressive history. I think that’s really important in the queer community, and I’m proud that library leaders have been such a longstanding and visible part of that.

Are you involved in ALA in other ways?

I’ve had amazing support to attend ALA Annual since 2012, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to get a firsthand view of the scope and diversity of the organization. Since finishing library school last year, I’ve been seeking ways to become more actively involved. I’m currently serving on the Spectrum Advisory Committee, under the Office for Diversity. I’m also thrilled that I’ll be starting an Emerging Leaders project for the NMRT this week!

What professional work do you perform?

I started my first full-time library job at New York University almost a year ago. In my paraprofessional role, I’ve had the opportunity to perform reference, circulation, collection management, and a ton of other duties! It’s a great place to work, with an astounding community of talented staff. I’m also a part-time reference librarian at a local college.

Who inspires you?

Camille Paglia, John Waters, Barbara Kruger, Samuel Delaney, Kathleen Hanna, Jayne County, Candy Darling, Eartha Kitt, Wendy Carlos, Justin Pearson, Alan Vega…

What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate?

Halloween! I spend quality time with friends, plan out crazy outfits, and expend inordinate amounts of fake blood. Past years have involved costumes like Marilyn Mason, Siouxsie Sioux, and a purple dragon.

If you could be transported into the fictional world of any book, where would you go?

Maybe I could help shake things up in Flatland. It was one of my favorite books as a child.


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