With the recent prominence of GLBT issues in the press the need for toolkit development to serve the Round Table’s constituents has great importance. Rather than trying to have a committee produce large documents, we hope to have small groups of 2-3 people to work on smaller documents, with the aim of compiling a larger document in the future. These small, focused, toolkits would be posted on ALA’s Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS) toolkit web page, linked from the GLBTRT web site, and elsewhere as appropriate.
The GLBTRT Toolkit Development List page on ALA Connect lists toolkit topics our community feels should be addressed. People who have voiced interest in being involved are listed.
Contact Nancy & David if:
- you can think of other toolkits you would like to create and/or;
- if you would like to sign up for a group.
Nancy Silverrod & David S. Vess
Co-Chairs, GLBTRT