This Week in Marriage: Louisiana, Ohio, Florida

By John Mack Freeman

Florida-The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the state of Florida’s request for a stay on a ruling that approved same sex marriages in that state. Provided that the Supreme Court does not issue a ban at the state’s request, same sex marriages will begin in the Sunshine State on January 5th.

Louisiana-The state of Louisiana has requested that the Supreme Court immediately take up its marriage equality case. This would bypass the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals where arguments are scheduled to happen on January 9th.

Ohio-This week, a judge in Ohio mistakenly approved a same sex couple’s divorce. Because that state refuses to recognize same sex marriages, judges are barred from granting divorces of those unions. Athens County Judge George McCarthy said he did not know at the time that the couple seeking a divorce was a same sex couple. As such, he expects to vacate his ruling in the coming days.

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