Stories from the Trenches: Charlie McNabb

Contributed by Charlie McNabb; compiled by John Mack Freeman. 

Several months ago, there was a call on the GLBTRT e-mail list to compile stories of service to LGBT people from the library world. We will publishing these every so often as they become available. These stories are in the words of those contributing them, and they help to highlight the important work librarians are doing for LGBT people around the world. If you would like to contribute a story, please use the Contact Us button at the top of the page.

I’m a research and instruction librarian at a small liberal arts college, and a big part of my job is one-on-one research consultations with students. While many students do take advantage of this service, most do not–I assume due, in part, to library anxiety or a fear of bothering librarians. A few weeks ago, I was asked to participate on a faculty/staff panel for OutWeek, discussing what it’s like to be queer in academia. Quite a few students attended and we had a great conversation. They asked questions like, “What made you decide to come out at work, and what situation would make you stay closeted?”; “Have you encountered any discrimination in the workplace?”; and “Who are your biggest queer academic heroes?”

The next morning, three queer students had emailed me to set up research consultations. One student’s thesis research is queer-focused, and I was able to suggest some library resources. I was very pleased that they had some suggestions for me, too! The other two students are not doing research on queer issues, but my visibility encouraged them to visit me for library help. In the process of chatting about various books, the conversation veered off into the HQ collection and their frustration with some gaps. I asked for their input and was able to order a few new titles. It has been wonderful working with them and sharing queer-focused resources and personal stories.

Another unanticipated effect of the panel was that I was approached by a trans inclusivity committee chaired by students. This committee is doing incredible work in terms of winning inclusive health insurance for students, working towards gender neutral bathrooms, and providing cultural competency trainings for students and staff. It’s my hope that I can assist by acting as a liaison with the library, promoting trans-relevant library resources, encouraging colleagues to attend trainings, and helping with the push for inclusive bathrooms. I’m frankly astonished at how motivated these students are, how much support they have from the administration, and how sound and well-reasoned their goals and plans are. I look forward to watching this group thrive.

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