Identical twins are invited to take part in two pieces of research on LGB well-being.

Via press release

The first study is an online survey study being conducted by our research group at King’s College London and we are recruiting identical twins in which one is gay, lesbian or bisexual and the other is straight. The second is a multi-component study being conducted by our colleagues at the University of Essex and they are recruiting pairs of identical twins in which one is gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and the other is straight, as well as pairs of identical twins in which both are gay or lesbian or bisexual. All components of the second study are optional and some can be completed online. £100 will be offered to each twin for completing all of the study components.

If you are an identical twin who matches the criteria for either of the above studies and you and your twin would like to participate, more information on each study can be found below. If you know any identical twins that match the criteria for either of the above studies and you think they may be interested in participating, please forward them this story.

King’s College London Study:

We are looking for identical twins where one in the pair is gay/lesbian and other is heterosexual/straight for a study on mental health. The study will involve one anonymous online survey (which includes questions which ask about your sexuality and experiences of prejudice). You are under no obligation to reply to this advertisement or the online survey.  However if you choose to, participation is voluntary and you may withdraw at any time.  The study is approved by King’s College London Psychiatry, Nursing and Midwifery Research Ethics Subcommittee reference XXX.

We are conducting a study looking at how minority stress impacts on mental health in sexual and gender minorities. Your participation and that of your twin will increase our knowledge in this area. You and your twin will be asked to complete questionnaires about your gender, sexual feelings, childhood behaviour, experiences of discrimination and prejudice, how you think, how you feel, and your thoughts about your identity. Overall, this study should last no longer than thirty minutes.

If you would like to participate, then please contact Liam Timmins from King’s College London or use the following link to leave your email address so that we may contact you:

For more details please contact Liam Timmins at

University of Essex Study:

We are trying to understand how our childhood experiences influence our gender behaviour, sexual orientation, and well-being. We are looking to recruit pairs of identical twins in which one is gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and the other is straight. We are also looking to recruit pairs of identical twins in which both are gay or lesbian or bisexual.

£100 will be offered to each twin for completing all of the study components. The study consists of three components, each which are OPTIONAL. These components are as follows:
-    Completing an online based questionnaire.
-    Providing videos and photographs from childhood and adulthood in order to understand how you have expressed yourself over the years.
-    Coming to the University of Essex to measure physiological aspects of your sexual orientation and attraction.

If you are interested in completing any of the above components, please enter your name and e-mail address at the following link so that we can contact you. All of your information will be held strictly confidential and not linked to your identity:

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