By John Mack Freeman
If you’re someone who follows LGBT news in even the slightest way, you have probably been a little overwhelmed in the last two weeks with the developments in same sex marriage caused by the refusal of the Supreme Court to hear any case having to do with same sex marriage. This has led to same sex marriage becoming the law of the land in Utah, Idaho, Alaska, North Carolina, Nevada and West Virginia. Further, South Carolina, Kansas, Wyoming, and Montana are all under appellate courts that have found same sex marriage bans to be unconstitutional, and it is likely that mandates will be issued in the coming weeks to compel them to being issuing same sex marriage licenses.
Depending on your count, this leaves no more than 16 states where same sex marriage is not currently legal. It should be noted that if all current lawsuits that have found in favor of same sex marriage prevail, decisions currently stayed pending appeal would allow same sex marriage in 41 states.
It’s all just a waiting game, but full victory is so close that many can taste that particular rainbow. For a more in-depth take, GLBTRT’s own Nel Ward has put together a pretty comprehensive view on what’s been happening over at hear blog.