By John Mack Freeman
A lot of new LGBT documentaries made the news this week.
To Russia With Love
To Russia With Love follows the triumphs and trials of 2014’s Olympic athletes, getting star power from Sochi commentator Johnny Weir. If he has a platform, that’s not true of a group of young gay asylum seekers in Brooklyn who couldn’t compete because they’d fled Russia before the games. “I didn’t know anyone who’d done it before,” says one man of coming out.
The films show how violence, both ignored and encouraged by the state, has become the new normal for gays in Russia. As one LGBT activist in To Russia With Love puts it, “When the games are over, ugly things start happening.” Sadly, that time is now.
The T Word
Laverne Cox has released the first trailer from her new documentary. Here’s what she had to say about it (via PinkNews):
“We’ll follow the courageous lives of young trans people, from the moment of realisation to dating, family and the often-dangerous obstacles they faced on the path to self-discovery.”
“For many of us, the ‘T’ in LGBT means more than transgender. It also means truth. The cast members in this documentary are fearlessly living their truths and in sharing their stories will send the message to other trans youth that it’s OK to be who you are.”