Meet Carlos Fernandez!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser

Carlos is the International Documents Librarian at Florida International University. He is responsible for one of only two public university libraries to have a depository for both the United Nations and the European Union. He’s also responsible for the collection and maintenance of documents from the Organization of American States and other Inter-governmental and Non-governmental organizations.

Carlos has a passion for knowledge. He has two masters’ degrees, which he’s very proud of. He says, “For years, I suffered from low self-image and I never believed I could accomplish such feats. I am also proud of the fact that after countless applications, interviews, and rejection letters, I finally landed a full faculty position at my current institution.”

He and his partner, Richard, in Hollywood, FL. They have three cats and one half-blind, very deaf 15 year-old poodle.  They are always planning future excursions and escapes whenever possible. Carlos also enjoys reading and gardening.

If he could be an animal, he would be a pampered house cat. Why? “Lots of love, naps, and cuddles!”

If he could have a dinner party with 5 culturally or historically significant figures, living or dead, he would invite Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Francis of Assisi, Barbra Streisand, and Judy Garland.


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