Orange is the New Black Writer Comes Out As Lesbian, Divorces Husband

By Ashley R. Lierman

Lauren Morelli, one of the writers of the Netflix original series Orange is the New Black, recently came out as a lesbian and obtained a divorce from her husband. According to multiple online sources, Morelli saw much of herself in the journey taken by the show’s main character, Piper, and gradually came to a better understanding of herself and her own life. Via PinkNews:

She said: ‘As we started to shape our characters and debate fictional Piper’s “true” sexuality that first season, we engaged in long discussions about sex, gender and our own experiences.

‘I was finally forced to consider a question that had never, ever occurred to me before: Holy shit, am I gay?

‘While it certainly would have been disorienting to begin to question my sexuality after three decades of knowing myself, it was particularly blinding because I’d gotten married only a few months before.’

According to TMZ, this week Morelli filed papers to divorce husband Steve Basilone, though the split is reportedly amicable.

It’s even been rumored that Morelli is now dating Samira Wiley, one of the show’s principal actors.

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