Via Ashley R. Lierman
Gay fans were delighted recently by Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling’s response to a tweet complaining about the author’s creative choices. Rowling announced in 2007 that Albus Dumbledore, famous wizard and headmaster of the magical school in the series, was gay, and apparently the commenter took belated issue with this announcement. Via The Advocate:
In a since-removed tweet, Georgia-based user Frank Fraticelli told the writer that his opinion on the series changed after the author revealed Dumbledore’s sexual orientation in a question-and-answer session at Carnegie Hall in 2007.
“@jk_rowling once u revealed Dumbledore was homosexual I stopped being a fan. Nice how u blindsided us with that one. Enjoy your billion $,” wrote Fraticelli on Saturday, according to tweets captured by The New Civil Rights Movement before they were removed.
Rowling’s response: “@halfelven55ff I advise you to start following Brian Souter at once. He’s much more your kind of person.”
(Brian Souter is a conservative Scottish businessman and politican known for his defense of anti-gay legislation.)