By Tess Goldwasser
Marian has been a member of the GLBTRT for about a year. She was able to meet some of her fellow members at this year’s ALA annual conference, and is interested in serving on a committee sometime in the future.
She just finished a one year term in AmeriCorps as a Youth Engagement Specialist for Identity, an LGBTQ non-profit in Anchorage, Alaska. Through this position she planned, coordinated, and implemented all of Identity’s LGBTQ youth programming initiatives. She says, “I am passionate about improving the lives of LGBTQ youth and providing them opportunities that were not given to me. I moved across the country to follow this passion, and it has been very rewarding to see the youth I work with grow.” She recently began working as a librarian for the Anchorage Public Library.
Marian has been with her partner, Kat, for a year and a half, and they have two dogs, one cat, and a rabbit. Her hobbies include reading YA books, belly dancing, hoop dancing, hiking, and rock climbing.
If Marian was an animal, she would be a big cat, because they are smart and get to laze around in the sun most of the day. If she could have a dinner party with 5 culturally or historically significant figures, living or dead, she would invite Rachel Carson, Alice Paul, Tupac Shakur, Buddha, and Gandhi.
Totally besides the point, I’ve always admired her hair.