Homophones Blog Post Results in Homophobic Firing

By John Mack Freeman

And now for something completely bizarre. Tim Torkildson used to work for the Nomen Global Language Center. However, when Torkildson published a blog post on homophones, the Center’s owner Clarke Woodger fired Torkildson, stating that he was upset that now the school would be associated with homosexuality.

For those playing along at home, homophones doesn’t have a new, hip meaning you’re missing out on. We’re still talking about words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Like their and there. Or our and hour.

While Woodger has claimed that the firing was more due to Torkildson’s knack for going off on tangents in blog posts, it should be noted that the post has been removed from the Nomen site.

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