Information Regarding Emerging Leaders and Emerging Leader Projects

By Ann Symons (reposed from e-mail list by request)

Several members and board members have commented on the lists  about having an Emerging Leader project.   All the information that went back and forth had me wondering “What is the real story on the projects” so I asked Beatrice Calvin, ALA staff member who is in charge of EL.

From the websites below I found out that GLBTRT is involved in recommending our sponsor at a much earlier date than I thought and that the projects get done at a much later date.
Below are three websites.  The first includes all of the dates in this year’s EL cycle.  The second two are about the EL Project.
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION ABOUT THE PROJECT AND WHO DOES WHAT AND WHEN, PLEASE E-MAIL ME after you have read the information from the ALA website.
In this inaugural year of EL sponsorship, the board [in Executive Session] will be the “unit selection committee”   Any board member who has served as a reference for an applicant will not be on the selection committee.
Here are the important dates:
August 1 
● Deadline for all Emerging Leader applications to be complete. All references must be received by this date as well. 
1st week of August 2014 
● Instructions and pass codes for EL applications distributed to unit selection committees and/or staff liaisons. 
Aug 4 – Sept. 5 
● Applications are reviewed by various unit selection committees and Emerging Leader participants are selected. 
Sept. 8 
● Deadline for unit selection committees to notify the HRDR Office of who they have selected. Send email with subject EL Selection. 

EMERGING LEADERS PROJECTS:  Any member can propose and fill out  the project proposal form for an Emerging Leader Project.  There are guidelines and the form. .

The project proposal must be submitted by the unit but that does not necessarily mean that the board will be working up proposals and submitting them.   The board is not going to take every idea which shows up on the list and turn it into a project proposal.
Here are the dates:
Oct 1 
● Deadline for ALA units to submit project proposal forms online. Each project should be submitted on a separate form. Proposals must include the identification of the staff support person and member guide.
Oct. 2 – 10 
● The EL Project Manager contacts sponsors who had their participant selected by the ALA Jury for final approval of selected participant.
Oct 6 – 17 
● Subcommittee project task force begin vetting project proposals
● Voting process put in place
● Begin notifying Emerging Leader applicants of selection to the program via email. (Those selected to participate and those who are not selected for the program are all notified.)
1st week of Nov. 2014 
● Selected Emerging Leader participants are given the list of projects to select from, and vote on projects.
2nd Week of 
● Emerging Leaders learn of their project assignments and team members.
● Project mentors and staff liaisons are also notified if their projects have been selected.
Feb – June 
● Emerging Leader Project Teams work virtually on their projects.
June 2015 
● Emerging Leaders convene for the second meeting and to present a poster session of their project at the ALA Annual Conference.

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