New Project Form Released for Round Table

By John Mack Freeman

You may have heard about it at the membership meeting at Annual this year, and it is finally ready to go live. The GLBTRT now has a new way for people throughout the membership to suggest new projects that you want the RT to take on. Do you have a suggestion for an Emerging Leader project? A tweak to something we’re doing? A new mission for the group? This is your roundtable, and now there is a formal way to make your voice heard.

The Project Proposal Form can be found under the Getting Involved section on the GLBTRT website. The form walks you through all of the information you will need to give. Once submitted, it is immediately sent to the entire board for review and discussion via e-mail and the next monthly conference call.

A special thanks to David Vess for setting this up and shepherding it through the process. If you have any questions about the new form (or if I’ve left anything out), let us know in the comments below, and we can get those questions answered!

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