Call for Proposals: KidLitCon

This year’s Kidlitcon — Blogging Diversity in Young Adult and Children’s Literature, will be taking place October 10th and 11th in Sacramento. Per their website: “KidLitCon is a gathering of people who blog about children’s and young adult books, including librarians, authors, teachers, parents, booksellers, publishers, and readers. Attendees share a love of children’s books, as well as a determination to get the right books into young readers’ hands.”
There’s more information here, and here’s the call for session proposals, which just went out. Proposals are due no later than August 1st.
They hope to gather a great group of passionate people (probably mostly bloggers, but teachers, librarians, authors, publishers and other assorted book people as well), ready to discuss diversity in kids and YA books with much intensity, while having a fun time together.

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