Apply Today To Be A 2015 Emerging Leader!

You! Yeah, you! Are you (or do you know) a new librarian who is looking to get more fully involved in ALA? The kind of person that likes to solve problems, meet people, and tackle issues head-on? Then you (or they) should apply to be one of ALA’s 2015 Emerging Leaders.

The qualifications are:

  1. Be a new library professional of any age with fewer than 5 years of experience working at a professional or paraprofessional level in a library and
  2. Be able to attend both ALA conferences and work virtually in between the two conferences and
  3. Be prepared to commit to serve on an ALA, Division, Chapter, or Round Table committee, task force or workgroup, or your state or local library organization upon completion of program, and
  4. Be an ALA member, and if sponsored by an organization, a member of that organization.

The deadline is August 1st. In addition to those qualifications, you’ll need to fill out the application form here. The letters of reference from your references and your employer approval (if applicable) is due no later than August 1st as well, so it’s time to get started.

The GLBTRT is sponsoring one Emerging Leader this year, but that doesn’t mean that only GLBTRT member can be an Emerging Leader. You can be sponsored by another group you are a member of or potentially be an un-sponsored Leader. Additionally, you don’t have to be nominated to apply except by a committee of one (yourself!).

This is GLBTRT’s first year sponsoring an Emerging Leader, and we are very excited for this opportunity. We know we have some great candidates out there, so apply today!

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