From the Editor: You Can Get the News Any Way You Want It

Another Annual Conference has closed, and with it, a brand new committee comes on board for the GLBT News. I will be taking over the editorship from Nel Ward who has been truly remarkable and a wonderful guide in transitioning GLBT News from a quarterly newsletter to a weekly blog. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be introducing you to the new committee and talking about some of the plans that we have for the News. But, I was asked at Annual to provide a list of all of the ways that you can access the news. Here they are:

  • Via e-mail subscription via the box on the right side of this page.
  • Via RSS feed through a site like Feedly (use our url:
  • Via Twitter @GLBTRT
  • Via Facebook 
  • Or by visiting the website directly every week to see what we have on offer.

If there’s another way that you would like to receive the news that we don’t currently offer, let us know in the comments below, and we will try to make that happen. We are the official news source for the GLBTRT, so we want to make sure that you get your information how you want it.

I’m very excited about this upcoming year, and I want to go ahead and thank our devoted and our new readers for their support. You truly make this work worthwhile, and it really is a labor of love.

Best wishes to everyone,

John Mack Freeman
Editor, GLBT News

1 thought on “From the Editor: You Can Get the News Any Way You Want It

  1. Thanks to Nel for the work that has been done and to you (and all the other members, current and past) who share news with us!

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