Although it can hardly be said that the Republican Party is moderating itself on LGBT issues, there are some signs of positive movement in Nevada. Earlier this year, the state party removed opposition to same-sex marriage from its platform. Then, last week, trans candidate Lauren Scott beat out Nevada Republican Assembly backed Adam Khan for the Republican nomination for State Assembly seat from District 30.
Scott is an air force veteran who was honorably discharged in 1994. While she had not received funding from any major LGBT group during the primary, she did mention in an interview that the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund had recently reached out to her to support her bid. She will be facing incumbent Democrat Mike Springle in the fall who won with 57 percent of the vote in 2012. If Scott manages to win, she will be the first openly trans state legislator in the United States.
Correction: A previous version of this article said that Scott was an air force pilot rather than an air force veteran. The article has been updated with new information.