LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer

Members of Trump’s cabinet study bible with anti-LGBTI minister

Ralph Drollinger, the leader of Capitol Ministries is heading a bible study group, the first of its kind in at least 100 years, for the nation’s leaders.  Mr. Dollinger feels homosexuality is “illegitimate,” that women shouldn’t not be allowed hold leadership positions, and that Catholicism is a not a “true” religion.

Federal judge rules the US military cannot implement Trump’s trans ban

The court also proclaimed transgender people a protected class because they have been forced to exist in silence and “subjected to systematic oppression.”

Former Lambda Legal Lawyer David Buckel Dies After Self-Immolation

Buckel died from what authorities believe to be self-inflicted burning which he said in notes emailed to media and left near the scene was to protest environmental destruction.

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