May 2014

By Kelly McElroy  

The following nineteen books have been read and recommended for consideration for the final list by at least one juror.


Allred, Alexandra. Roadkill. The Writer’s Coffee Shop.

Balay, Anne. Steel Closets: Voice of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Steelworkers. University of North Carolina Press.

Borland, Bryan and Seth Pennington, eds. Assaracus: Joy Exhaustible. Sibling Rivalry Press.

Chase, Clifford. The Tooth Fairy: Parents, Lovers, and Other Wayward Deities. Overlook Press.

Cunningham, Michael. The Snow Queen. Farrar, Straus  and Giroux.

Harvey, Vickie L. Health Care Disparities and the LGBT Population. Lexington Books.

Kearney, Greg. The Desperates. Cormorant Books.

Kimport, Katma. Queering Marriage: Challenging Family Formation in the United States. Rutgers University Press.

Leib, Bart L., ed. Fierce Family. Crossed Genre Publications.

Lifshitz, Sebastien. The Invisibles: Vintage Portraits of Love and Pride. Rizzoli.

Meisner, Natalie. Double Pregnant: Two Lesbians Make a Family. Fernwood Publishing.

Reid, Catherine. Falling Into Place: An Intimate Geography of Home. Beacon Press.

Snorton, C. Riley. Nobody is Supposed to Know: Black Sexuality on the Down Low. University of Minnesota Press.

Summers, A.K. Pregnant Butch: Nine Long Months Spent in Drag. Softskull Press.

Vinten, Robyn. Bruceville. Tollington Press.

Volpert, Megan. Only Ride. Sibling Rivalry Press.

Walters, Suzanne Danuta. The Tolerance Trap: How God, Genes, and Good Intentions are Sabotaging Gay Equality. NYU Press.

Wetlaufer, Valerie. Mysterious Acts By My People. Sibling Rivalry Press.

White, Edward. The Tastemaker: Carl Van Vechten and the Birth of Modern America. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

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  1. By Link Round Up: June 4 – 18 | The Lesbrary on June 18, 2014 at 10:51 am

    […] Over the Rainbow Books posted May 2014. […]

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