Two Women Revisited

The GLBTRT has been reviewing books and movies in its newsletter since the early 1990s. Trace the evolution of queer publishing through these historic reviews. This review was originally published in Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer 1992.

Cover of Two Women RevisitedTwo Women Revisited; the Poetry of Jeannette Foster and Valerie Taylor. By Jeannette Foster and Valerie Taylor. Banned Books, 1991. Paperback. $7.95. (ISBN 0-934411-29-8)

This is an expanded version of a book published in 1976 by Womenpress. Tee Corinne introduces the work of two women who were published earlier this century and ignored for the past 30 years. Much of their original work was published in “women’s” magazines in the thirties and forties and not recognized as lesbian in focus. Foster and Taylor were friends although a generation apart in age and Taylor was active in the publishing of this volume. The poems speak of love, family, everyday activities and nature. The variety is wide and this book is appropriate for library trying to expand its 20th century women’s poetry collection.

Reviewed by Pauline Klein
DeKalb County Public Library
Atlanta, Georgia

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