Book review: Susie Sexpert’s Lesbian Sex World, by Susie Bright

The GLBTRT has been reviewing books and movies in its newsletter since the early 1990s. Trace the evolution of queer publishing through these historic reviews. This review was originally published in Vol. 3, No. 1 & 2, Fall 1990/Winter 1991.

Cover of Susie Sexpert's Lesbian Sex WorldBright, Susie. Susie Sexpert’s Lesbian Sex World. Cleis Press, 1990. $24.95. (ISBN 0-939416-34-4) Paper. $8.95. (ISBN 0-939416-34-4).

Susie Bright’s column, “Toys for Us,” is a regular feature of On Our Backs (“Entertainment for the Adventurous Lesbian”), a well-known publication of which she is the editor. Twenty-seven of her “brightest” (we hope) columns
which have appeared in the quarterly magazine since 1984, are reprinted here for the first time in this collection. Susie’s column, with its outrageous candor regarding the real or imagined sexual aspirations and triumphs of lesbians, is true to the editorial policy of this publication which explores
alternative sexual practices and erotica. Susie covers it all (or at least tries to) with a belief that nothing that occurs between two consenting women is shameful. The topics she covers are explicit, including “G-Spot Jitters,” “Ass
Forward,” and “A Hand in the Bush.” As a long-time advocate for safe-sex and for accurate information on sex and the transmission of AIDS, Susie includes “Over the Dam” and “Dam It, Janet.”

“Toys for Us” loses a certain something being a separate publication but for those who may feel some trepidation or even intimidation at reading the magazine, here at last is a chance to catch up with Susie if you missed her advice the first time around. This is a “specialty item” and unless your library is a special library collecting only gay/lesbian material, or a library with a large collection of erotica, I would not recommend it as a first choice for either university or public library purchase with the thought of broadening the collection on women’s sexuality or general women’s studies.

Reviewed by Jane Jurgens
Northeastern Illinois University
Chicago, Illinois

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