Singular Spy

The GLBTRT has been reviewing books and movies in its newsletter since the early 1990s. Trace the evolution of queer publishing through these historic reviews. This review was originally published in  Vol. 5. No. 1, Spring 1993

Cover of A Singular SpySingular Spy. By Amanda Kyle Williams. Naiad Press, 1992. $8.95. Paper. (ISBN 1-56280-008-6)

The good guys are bright and likable. The heroine, special Company operative Madison McGuire is tough; but not hard-as-nails. The minor characters are well defined, especially Alexandra Kimble (who hopefully will be seen in future books) and an incongruously named Irishman Max Rudger. The book was written shortly before the Soviet Union broke up and in some instances is dated (10 Rubles is not exactly a big bribe now). The very soft love scenes make the book suitable for young adult collections. For larger collections or where there is a Madison McGuire following.

Reviewed by E.R.Magal
Tel Aviv, Israel

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