Queer Theatre and the Legacy of Cal Yeomans

Cover of Queer Theatre and the Legacy of Cal YeomansSchanke, Robert A. Queer Theatre and the Legacy of Cal Yeomans. Palgrave, 2011. Hardcover. 239p. $85.00. 978-0-230-11575-0.

One of the founders of gay theatre, Cal Yeomans explored sex and sexuality in a candid way, in an attempt to overcome what he had been raised to despise. Queer Theatre and the Legacy of Cal Yeomans is a well-researched biography that explores the life and times of the often forgotten award-winning playwright. Using primary sources donated by Yeoman to the University of Florida Smathers Library as well as the author’s own research using printed materials and interviews, this book is not only a biography of a playwright but a history of theatre and GLBT as a whole during the significant period between the Stonewall riots and the AIDS epidemic, including the desegregation of schools, and coming out and coming to terms with one’s own sexuality during these times.

Organized into ten chapters, Robert Schanke uses eye-catching titles that reflect Yeoman’s writing style (although these do not describe the chapters’ contents for the novice to the field). Numerous photographs are included, providing visual interest.

A documentary history, yet also a biography, this work draws the reader in and would be a valuable addition to any GLBT or theatre collection.

Reviewer: Sine Nomine

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