Not in Front of the Audience: Homosexuality on Stage

The GLBTRT has been reviewing books and movies in its newsletter since the early 1990s. Trace the evolution of queer publishing through these historic reviews. This review was originally published in Vol. 4, No. 4, Winter 1992.

Cover of Not in Front of the Audience

Not in Front of the Audience: Homosexuality on Stage. By Nicholas De Jongh. Routledge, 1992. Paper. $15.95. (ISBN 0-415-03363-2)

Covering much of the same territory as Clum’s Acting Gay, De Jongh’s work is based more solidly in the theatre than in society. The two works serve as an excellent complement to each other.

De Jongh divides his work into six major sections, each with its telling title: “From the Playhouse to the Old Bailey,” ‘The Deviant, The Damned and the Dandified: 1925-1939,” ‘The Enemy Within: 1949-1958,” “Out of Bondage Towards Being: 1958-1969,” “Simply the Thing I Am Shall Make Me Live: 1969-1981,” and ”The Return of the Outcast: 1981-1985.”

Notes, bibliography, index. Literate and entertaining, a worthwhile purchase for anyone interested in this topic.

Reviewed by Ed Santa Vicca
Hayden Library
Arizona State University

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