Murder Is Relative

The GLBTRT has been reviewing books and movies in its newsletter since the early 1990s. Trace the evolution of queer publishing through these historic reviews. This review was originally published in Vol. 3, No 4, Winter 1991.

Cover of Murder Is RelativeMurder Is Relative. By Karen Saum. Naiad Press, 1991. Paper. $8.95. (ISBN 0-941483-70-3)

A Brigid Donovan mystery. Called by Claire Du Lac to Quebec from her home in Greenville, Maine, Brigid Donovan is offered the job of writing the history of H.O.P.E. (Helping Others, the Poor Especially), an organization whose aims are “to alleviate human suffering in whatever form it appears.” This is a cover for Brigid’s real assignment, the investigation of the death of Du Lac’s son-in-law David Thorne. Is Thorne’s daughter, Genevieve, in the cloister willingly or as a captive? The Thorne family relationships are very complex as Brigid soon learns. As she unravels them, she dashes about the country at a sometimes frenetic and humorous pace.

Thin as a mystery, but a good read as the story of Brigid and those with whom she interacts. Brigid is a recovering alcoholic and the detailing of her struggle with recovery is well handled (although her frequent checking of her ”meeting book” is a bit tiring).

Recommended for larger collections.

Reviewed by David Streeter
Pomona Public Ubrary
Pomona, California

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