Book review: More Lesbian Etiquette, by Gail Sausser

The GLBTRT has been reviewing books and movies in its newsletter since the early 1990s. Trace the evolution of queer publishing through these historic reviews. This review was originally published inĀ Vol. 3, No 3 & 4 Spring/Summer 1991.

Cover of More Lesbian EtiquetteSausser, Gail. More Lesbian Etiquette. Crossing Press, 1990. Paper. $7.95 (ISBN 0-89594-415-4) Library Binding – Adult. $20.95. (ISBN 0-89594-416-2)

This second book of essays from Gail Sausser (the first was Lesbian Etiquette, 1986) continues the chronicles of her life, loves, losses, and observations on lesbians and some of our worlds.

If you read the earlier book, you know that she touches humorously and insightfully on meeting women, losing women, clothes for the wrong occasion, sex, and holidays.

The 22 brief chapters are mostly humorous (although less so than the first book) and frequently penetrating. They range from “Morning Hair” and “The Divorce Party” to “Confessions of a Movie Mush” and “My First Night with a Dental Dam.”

This book is suitable for collections on contemporary lesbian and gay life.

Reviewed by Susan Lee Sills
University of California
Irvine, California

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