The GLBTRT has been reviewing books and movies in its newsletter since the early 1990s. Trace the evolution of queer publishing through these historic reviews. This review was originally published in Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer 1992.
Legends: The World’s Sexiest Men. Volume 1. Edited by John Patrick. STARBOOKS, 1992. Paper. $9.95. (ISBN 1-877978-24-8)
Billed as a “disarming look at the sexiest men in the world [which] immortalizes these icons from a gay male’s unique perspective.” The book categorizes “the sexiest men in the world” into three groups, Movie Stars (including the homophobe Mel Gibson), Music Stars (includes Prince and the late Jim Morrison), and Porno Stars (Jeff Stryker, Al Parker, et. al.).
The book devotes several pages of largely anecdotal information to each of the 25 men, including such tidbits as genital size, probably gay sexual experiences, and a filmography for each, fastidiously asterisked when an actor appears in a film nude or semiclad. Also included for the porn stars is a listing of their feature videos.
This is by no means serious literature, nor does it pretend to be. While some readers may want a copy for personal reading, this book’s place on library shelves is dubious at best. The author has written several biography style books about gay adult movie leading men; as well as several works of fiction; and, recently edited A Natural Beauty, a compilation of erotic stories.
Reviewed by David R. Hardee
Student, University of South Carolina
College of Library and Information Science
Columbia, SC