Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Literature: A Genre Guide

Bosman, Ellen, and John P. Bradford. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Literature: A Genre Guide. Edited by Robert B. Ridinger. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2008. Genreflecting Advisory Series. Hardcover. 422 p. ISBN: 9781591581949. $60.00

Cover of, Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered literature : a genre guide.Ellen Bosman’s and John Bradford’s genre guide is an essential resource for reader’s advisory and collection development for libraries needing to expand their existing collections of GLBT literature. Three initial chapters introduce GLBT RA services, and provide background that is helpful to both gay and straight library staff preparing to assist library patrons to better use this genre. Then follow 13 chapters, each covering a specific type of literature, ranging from science fiction to graphic novels to life stories. These chapters provide a definition of the literature type, describe its characteristics, provide historical overview, and explain the chapter’s organization.

The entries include bibliographic information, a brief annotation with awards received, subjects assigned to the entry, and valuable “read-alikes” for RA work. A bibliography, author / title index, and subject index conclude this outstanding contribution to Libraries Unlimited’s Genreflecting Advisory Series.

Reviewed by Dave Combe
EP Foster Library
Ventura, CA

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