Cats and Their Dykes

The GLBTRT has been reviewing books and movies in its newsletter since the early 1990s. Trace the evolution of queer publishing through these historic reviews. This review was originally published in Vol. 3, No 4, Winter 1991.

Cover of Cats and Their DykesCats and Their Dykes. Edited by Irene Reti and Shoney Sien. HerBooks, 1991. Paper. $10.00. (ISBN 0-93821-47-8)

This delightful anthology is dedicated to cats and the women who are devoted to them. The stories, poems, and opinions will make you cry, laugh, love, and question your relationship to animals in general and cats in particular.

Eloquent tributes to eats past and present will please cat lovers. The healing power of pets is demonstrated in a story about an abused child and the pet who befriends her. Look for the surprise ending to this one. An essay on the spirituality of feline lives proposed that humans have a lot to learn from the cats whose lives they share.

A discussion of environmental illness and cat allergies raises important questions about individual and collective responsibility to people with disabilities. The ethics, morality, and power relationship inherent in pet ownership is also discussed in a thoughtful essay by a radical lesbian feminist. In reading these two essays, the reader will question assumptions about pets which may  not have been faced in the past.

All in all a wonderful book with fine photos, funny cartoons and an interesting collection of materials. Recommended for public libraries who collect gay/lesbian non-fiction and for any cat lovers.

Reviewed by Pauline Klein
Atlanta, Georgia

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