Book review: Lesbian Marriage, by Kim Chernin and Renate Stendhal

Chernin Lesbian MarriageChernin, Kim and Renate Stendhal. Lesbian Marriage: A Love & Sex Forever Kit. 2014. $15.95. 162p. PB. 978-0615992365.

This self-help style book focuses on assisting lesbian couples in keeping their romance alive and their marriage intact. Each chapter contains an extended conversation between a lesbian couple as well as tips or advice to help the reader keep her romantic relationship on solid ground.

Written by two PhDs, Lesbian Marriage takes a humorous rather than helpful look at lesbian relationships. The chapters’ dialogs between two women in a relationship and the advice given at the end of each chapter are neither solid nor practical. The book’s comic-style cover contributes to the feeling of humor, making the book more appropriate for collections of humor such as Alison Bechdel’s comic anthologies. Lesbians seeking serious relationship advice might turn instead to Merilee Clunis’ Lesbian Couples: A Guide to Creating Healthy Relationships.

Jenni Frencham, Librarian

Cesar Chavez Middle School, Hayward (CA)


  1. Wow. It’s true what they say, “To each his own.”
    I read Lesbian Marriage: A Love & Sex Forever Kit and found the illustrations not only refreshing but a nice change from the usual self-help fodder meant to amp up the dramatic. With this book, I liked the humor-filled approach and it is a testament to both of the authors, who are still together 28 years later. It seems that unless you find yourself in a similar situation can you truly comment on what’s good and what isn’t; these ladies have discovered a way to help and keep the love and romance alive while tackling issues from an amusing viewpoint.

    I applied a lot of what I read in Lesbian Marriage to my current relationship and already it has made all the difference. I wholly appreciated how the information was presented. Simple and easy to read/understand.

    Lesbians who are looking for an updated and recent guide-book (released in 2014) chock-a-block full of tips and information given to you gently and a fun cover that goes beyond the old and tired typical image of two women holding hands on the cover should check out this book.

    Again, I disagree 100% with this review and will happily take the advice of two people who have been together so long. Just my two cents.

  2. I agree with Bella’s comment. This could not be further from the truth. I’ve read all the reviews on Amazon for Lesbian Marriage- A Love and Sex Forever Kit and it seems a lot of people are getting some good tips out of it. What the reviewer didn’t like is what people love about the book. I suggest everyone go to Amazon to read more from people who have used it. Thank you.

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