The Inverted Gaze: Queering the French Literary Classics in America

Cover of The Inverted GazeCusset, François. The Inverted Gaze: Queering the French Literary Classics in America. Vancouver, BC: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011. Paperback. 142p. $17.95. ISBN: 978-1-55152-410-8.

From the back cover:

“François Cusset (author of the acclaimed French Theory) investigates the queering of the French literary canon by American writers and scholars in this thought-provoking and freeminded journey across six centuries of literary classics and sexual polemics.”

From the Middle Ages to the present, Cusset critiques the critics, not so much offering fresh interpretations as laying out the reasons for his skepticism.

Cusset writes with many puns that sexualize what could otherwise be a dry text, but the result can be distracting to the reader. Nevertheless, this may well be an enjoyable read in the original French, but the translation by David Homel is not as accessible as it might be.

While the text is somewhat difficult, I would still suggest The Inverted Gaze to those with an interested in the subject, as it is a great introduction to how American queer critics interpret French texts.

I would recommend this book to an academic library, especially one with both a strong English program and a strong program in Queer Studies.

Given the complexity of language and ideas in the book, I would suggest this for those who are 18 and older.

Reviewer: Talia Earl

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