Queer Youth Cultures

Susan Driver’s Queer Youth Cultures is a refreshing, analytical view of contemporary queer youth, seen not as victims or martyrs, but as cultural and political catalysts in the everyday world. Such diverse cultural practices as lesbian punk rock, zines, on-line dating (The Pink Sofa), drag performance, and sissy boys are examined by a variety of primarily academic researchers (including several based in Australia). Permeating throughout are the voices and views of queer youth.

The book is divided into three handy sections: 1. “Performative Queer Youth Cultures, Embodiments, and Communities”; 2. “Desiring Youth and Un/Popular Cultures”; and 3. “Transforming Political Action.” A photo spread by Cass Bird is also included. And, just in case you are not up-to-date, “queer youth” encompasses GLBTTIQQ (gay-lesbian-bisexual-transsexual-transgender-intersex-queer-and/or questioning individuals).

Enough said, get this for your library. It fills an important role in any cultural/gay/women’s studies collection, and could be a lifeline for the queer youth that grace your doorstep.

Reviewed by, Morgan Gwenwald
SUNY New Paltz

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