Zedde, Fiona. Dangerous Pleasures. Kensington, 2011. $15. Paperback. 288p. 978-0-7582-1740-0.
Zedde steps away from her usual vampire-inspired tales (think Hungry For It) in this somewhat repetitive but equally entertaining anecdote about two childhood BFF’s. Mayson is a 100% die-hard lesbian and yoga instructor who dips and dives between the legs of several more-than-willing lovers throughout the story. But she soon learns that it may not be wise to bed-hop with just anybody even if the comely, but “straight,” seductress named Kendra promises loving beyond her wildest dreams.
And then there’s good ‘ole wholesome Renee, a recent divorcée trying to recover from her intense, short-lived marriage to a mentally-abusive husband who still shakes her world even after the ink on the divorce papers dries. Tired of being a run-of-the-mill girl next door, Renee decides she is in need of some steamy hot, toe nails curling, straight-up, no strings attached, backseat of a Chevy S-E-X. To make these rendezvous come to life, she calls on Mayson. They develop a plan, albeit a not-so-safe one, in which Renee meets strangers for potentially dangerous, yet memorable, sex encounters in random hotel rooms, complete with blindfolds and a few other unexpected “tools of the trade.” As to be expected, these trysts do not go off without a hitch, leaving Renee to wonder why she ever put herself in situations to be exposed in more ways than one.
Adding to the mix is Grant, a potential suitor for Renee who doesn’t hide his adoration for her. Moreover, he has already won over her parents who constantly remind her that “he is a good catch and she should give him a try.”
An undercurrent of connectedness flows throughout the course of Dangerous Pleasures as Mayson and Renee share a true and lasting friendship and attempt to make sense of their individual worlds. In the end, one finally opens herself up to true love, while the other is overcome with emotion. Through it all, they relish in the comfort that is their strong relationship.
This book is adult in nature but suitable for any type of library.
Reviewer: Michelle D. Dartis, MLS
Indiana University Alumni