Bear Like Me

cover of Bear Like MeCohen, Jonathan. Bear Like Me. Lethe Press, 2011. Paperback. Harrington Park Press, 2003. 247p. $15. 978-1-59021-349-0.

When self-described “metrogay” Peter Mallory is fired from his job at Phag Magazine, he is faced with the daunting task of trying to find a way to survive and to continue supporting his partner. Then he decides to follow his friend’s advice: to go undercover and write about the bear community.

He changes his appearance and becomes “Dan,” creating a new persona to fit in.

As his investigation unfolds, Peter comes to realize that he is also, in fact, a bear, but only after the community discovers that “Dan” is actually an undercover writer.  Peter’s journey leads to self-love and acceptance, a realization that success can be anywhere and for anyone who wishes for it, and the understanding that friends come in all shapes and sizes.

Jonathan Cohen’s first novel is a window into the bear community and a tale of self-awakening and acceptance of personal transformation.

This book offers exposure and a voice to an underrepresented group in LGBT literature, and would fit in well in any fiction collection for mature readers.
Reviewer: s.n.

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