Under Consideration for October 2017

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Literature

Brown, Rita Mae. Cakewalk. Bantam Books, 2016.

Lain, Tara. Return of the Chauffeur’s Son. Dreamspinner Press, 2017.



Ortleb, Charles. Truth to Power: New York Native 1980-1997. Rubicon Media, 2016.

Under Consideration for September 2017

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Literature

Argent, Sam. Witches for Hire. DSP Publications, 2017

Crocker, Eva. Barreling Forward: Stories. Astoria/House of Anansi Press, 2017.

Kudisch, Erica. Don’t Feed the Trolls. Riptide Publishing, 2017.

Madison, Sarah. Unspeakable Words. Dreamspinner Press, 2017.

North, Vanessa. Summer Stock. Riptide Publishing, 2016.

Statovci, Pajtim. My Cat Yugoslavia: A Novel. Pantheon, 2018.

Sebastian, Cat. The Lawrence Browne Affair. Avon Impulse/Harper Collins, 2017.

Smith, Danez. Don’t Call Us Dead. Graywolf Press, 2017.

Thom, Kai Cheng. A Place Called No Homeland. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2017.


Mayo, Cris. Gay-Straight Alliances and Associations Among Youth in Schools. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.


Under Consideration for August 2017

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Literature

Aciman, André. Enigma Variations. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2017.

Dempsey, Joan. This Is How It Begins. She Writes Press, 2017.
Frankel, Laurie. This Is How It Always Is: A Novel. Flatiron Books (Macmillan Books), 2017.
James, Renee. Seven Suspects. Oceanview Publishing, 2017.
Miaojin, Qui. Notes of a Crocodile. New York Review Books, 2017.
Raisin, Ross. A Natural. Random House, 2017.
Satyal, Rakesh. No One Can Pronounce My Name. Picador/Macmillan, 2017.
Sebastian, Cat. Ruin of a Rake. Avon Impulse/Harper Collins, 2017.
Wilde, Jen. Queens of Geek. Swoon Reads, 2017.
Albrecht, Donald. Gay Gotham:  Art and Underground Culture in New York. Rizzoli/Skira, 2017.
Borders, Ila Jane and Ardel, Jean Hastings. Making my Pitch: A Woman’s Baseball Odyssey. University of Nebraska Press, 2017.
Halley, Jean and Eshleman, Amy. Seeing Straight:  An Introduction to Gender and Sexual Privelege. Rowman and Littlefield, 2016.
Lawson, Wenn B. and Beatrice M. Transitioning Together:  One Couple’s Journey of Gender and Identity Discovery. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017.
Humann, Heather Duerre. Gender Bending Detective Fiction: A Critical Analysis of Selected Works. McFarland and Company, 2017.
Rosenberg, Rosalind. Jane Crow: The Life of Pauli Murray. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Sedaris, David. Theft By Finding: Diaries (1977-2002). Little, Brown, and Company, 2017.

Under Consideration for July 2017

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Literature

Boylan, Jennifer Finney.  Long Black Veil:  A Novel. Crown, 2017.
Hart, Ellen.  Fever in the Dark:  A Jane Lawless Mystery. Minotaur Books, 2017.
Pederson, David S.  Death Goes Overboard.  Bold Strokes Books, 2017.

Evans, Andrew.  The Black Penguin.  University of Wisconsin Press, 2017.

Under Consideration for June 2017

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Literature

Alameddine, Rabih. The Angel of History. Atlantic Monthly Press, 2017.

Beck, Christian. The Last Enemy. DSP Publications, 2016.

Chen Chen. When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities. BOA Editions, Ltd., 2017.

Eubanks, Tom. Ghosts of St. Vincent’s. TOMUS Publishing, 2017.

Irani, Anosh. The Parcel. Knopf Canada, 2016.

Murphy, Tim. Christadora: A Novel. Grove Press, 2016.

Woods, Chavisa. Things to Do When You’re Goth in the Country and Other Stories. Seven Stories Press, 2017.

Zomparelli, Daniel. Everything is Awful and You’re a Terrible Person. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2017.


Ahmed, Sara. Living a Feminist Life. Duke University Press, 2017.

Bell, Matt, Editor. The Boys in the Band: Flashpoints of Cinema, History, and Queer Politics. Wayne State University Press, 2016.

Edwards, Chris. Balls: It Takes Some to Get Some. Greenleaf, 2016.

Johnson, Fenton. Everywhere Home: a Life in Essays. Sarabande Books, 2017.

Levy, Ariel. The Rules Do Not Apply: A Memoir. Random House, 2017.

Sharman, Zena. The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.

Under Consideration for May 2017

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Literature

Banias, Ari.  Anybody: Poems. W. W. Norton & Company, 2016.

D’abo, Christine. Working It: A Ringside Romance. Riptide Publishing, 2017.

Kelly, Donika. Bestiary. Graywolf Press, 2016.

Lennox, Cass. Blank Spaces. Riptide Publishing, 2016.

Luce, Ed. Wuvable Oaf: Blood & Metal. Fantagraphics Books, 2016.

Maclean, Dal. Bitter Legacy. Blind Eye Books, 2016.

Martinez, Angel. Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists. Mischief Corner Books, 2017.

Mehta, Rahul. No Other World:  A Novel.  HarperCollins, 2017.

Nava, Michael. Lay Your Sleeping Head: A Henry Rios Mystery. Ko?rima Press, 2016.

Sater, Richard Compson. Rank. Bold Strokes Books, 2016.

Style of Attack Report. Metropolarity, 2017.

Walker, Philip Dean. At Danceteria and Other Stories. Squares & Rebels, 2016.


Coyote, Ivan E.  Tomboy Survival Guide.  Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.

Clare, Eli. Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure. Duke University Press, 2017.

Grace, Laura Jane. Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock’s Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout. Hachette Books, 2017.

Harrison, B. F., & Michelson, M. R.  Listen, We Need to Talk: How to Change Attitudes about LGBT Rights. Oxford University Press, 2017.

Hayes, Bill. Insomniac City:  NY, Oliver and Me. Bloomsbury, 2017.

Jones, Cleve. When We Rise: My Life in the Movement. Hachette Books, 2016.

Lepore, Amanda. Doll Parts. Regan Arts, 2017.

Liberge, E., Delalande, A., & Homel, D. The Case of Alan Turing: The Extraordinary and Tragic Story of the Legendary Code Breaker. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.

Patterson, Pat. Accepted:  How the First Gay Superstar Changed WWE. ECW Press, 2016.

Wright, iO Tillet. Darling Days: A Memoir. HarperCollins, 2016.



2017 Over the Rainbow Top 10 Titles

The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt and the Struggle for Social Justice by Patricia Bell-Scott. Knopf, 2016. A chronicle of the friendship between First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and Pauli Murray: granddaughter of a mixed-race slave, lawyer, civil rights activist, minister, and co-founder of the National Organization of Women. The book explores the professional and social cost of Murray’s race and gender, in the context of her correspondence with Roosevelt, mentions issues of her gender fluidity and same-sex relationships, and Roosevelt’s use of Murray’s advocacy for racial equality in her public writings.

Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson. HarperCollins, 2016. For August, friendship was everything. It was the 1970s in Brooklyn. She and her three best girlfriends lived confident of their talents, dreaming of the future. But their Brooklyn was a dangerous place, where dreams were fleeting, and growing up female was not easy.  Woodson’s latest novel is an epic poem, honoring memories of girlhood, fragile community, and fate.

In the Dark Room by Susan Faludi. Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Company, 2016. The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist tries to find the truth when her father shocks her with the news of her sex-change surgery. Questions of identity, rage, and history haunt her story: Hungarian or American, Magyar or Jew, victim or victimizer, man or woman? In the end, “in the universe, there is only one true divide, one real binary: life or death.” Everything else is open to interpretation, acceptance, or denial.

Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera. Riverdale Avenue Books, 2016. The coming-of-age story of a young woman learning what it is to be who she is.  Lesbian, Puerto Rican, New Yorker Juliet is running to something that isn’t what she expected and running from problems that follow along with her. A great story for anyone who has ever felt that love can’t replace understanding, that understanding comes in ways you never expected, and that heroes are what you make of them.

Bettyville: A Memoir by George Hodgeman. Viking, 2015. A richly crafted memoir about a gay son and his aging octogenarian mother. As her health declines, the son returns to the small Missouri town and the house he grew up in, from New York City, to care for her. Despite the passage of time and the decline of both Betty’s and the town’s health, not much has changed in their relationship.

A Body, Undone: Living On After Great Pain by Christina Crosby. NYU Press, 2016. One month after her fiftieth birthday, the author becomes a quadriplegic after breaking her neck in a bicycle accident. In this memoir, she writes about her changing feelings toward her body, her relationship, and her own sense of self.

Stand By Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation by Jim Downs. Basic Books, 2016. Downs has written an essential historical text on gay life during the “forgotten” time between 1969 and the beginnings of the AIDS crisis. Using documents from large metropolitan LGBT centers, he explores communities like the Metropolitan Community Church and those formed in book stores, proving the ‘70s were more than pride marches, sex, and discos.

Ask a Queer Chick: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life For Girls Who Dig Girls by Lindsay King-Miller, Plume, 2016. A series of essays about lesbian life based on the advice column of the same name. Topics are written to address both queer and straight readers and include dating, sexual relationships, being out at work, and finding allies.

Boy, Erased: A Memoir by Garrard Conley, Riverhead, 2016. Conley, a son of a pastor, tells how his struggle with his sexuality brought him to checking into an ex-gay conversion therapy program during his late teens in 2004. He gives a stark look into how he survives the abusive program, struggles with his faith, and comes to terms with his sexuality.

The Imitation Game: Alan Turing Decoded by Jim Ottaviani, illustrated by Leland Purvis, Abrams ComicArts, 2016. A realistic, imaginative, well-drawn graphic novel exploring the life and death of the great mathematician and pioneer of artificial intelligence and computer science,  Alan Turing. His incredible feats during and after WWII were overshadowed by prosecution for being homosexual. As Ottaviani notes, “I wish I lived in a world that benefited from decades more of Alan Turing alive and well, thinking and discovering.”

2017 Over the Rainbow Fiction/Literature Nominees

Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson. HarperCollins, 2016. For August, friendship was everything. It was the 1970s in Brooklyn. She and her three best girlfriends lived confident of their talents, dreaming of the future. But their Brooklyn was a dangerous place, where dreams were fleeting, and growing up female was not easy.  Woodson’s latest novel is an epic poem, honoring memories of girlhood, fragile community, and fate.

Beijing Comrades by Bei Tong. Translated by Scott E. Myers, forward by Petrus Liu. Feminist Press, 2016. This classic forbidden love story has a modern twist, beginning shortly before the protests in Tiananmen Square. A businessman in China makes contact with a younger man over the internet and the romance that follows changes his life in ways that hold a mirror up to the tumult occurring in his country.

Call Me By My Other Name by Valerie Wetlaufer. Sibling Rivalry Press, 2016. A true story of a transgender man in the 1890s, his short incarceration, and discovery as a biological female, his wife, the people around him who react to the discovery of his gender assigned at birth, and a modern response to a tale that has repeated for over a century. The language reads like truth carved in whispers and blood on the heart.

The Cosmopolitans by Sarah Schulman. Feminist Press, 2016. Schulman tells a story of neighbors: Earl, a closeted, black gay man, and Bette, a middle-aged lesbian. She evokes the time and the atmosphere of midcentury Greenwich Village. Their thirty-year friendship is the story of chosen families, as well as the history of a city where they, and queer people arriving from around the United States, tried to be themselves.

Dig by Bryan Borland. Stillhouse, 2016. This slim collection of poetry from Borland, the 2015 Lambda Literary Fellow in poetry, rings of painful and joyful truth. From incisive views on his family’s acceptance of his husband (Easter in Your Hometown) to quiet personal moments of pain (My Cat) to life and death (The Jumpers) to love and loss (Gold and Silver Mixed to One), his voice is clear, fierce, and lingers in the reader’s mind.

God in Pink by Hasan Namir. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015. The story follows Ramy, a devout Muslim college student in Iraq in 2003, who copes with being gay in the context of war, family tragedy, state-sanctioned murder, torture, and rape. He struggles with faith and sectarian violence, before finding enlightenment and peace in a strange weaving of the real and the metaphysical worlds.

Guapa by Saleem Haddad. Other Press, 2016. The strength of the characters in this debut novel makes up for a few small problems in the execution of the plot. One day in the life of a gay man in today’s Middle East, grounded in personal history after his grandmother discovers him with his male lover and his life implodes.

If You Need Me I’ll Be Over There by Dave Madden. Break Away Books, 2016. A variety of short stories that Madden brings to life with relatable specificity and subtleness of everyday life that make the stories feel real. The stories range from a young woman struggling to gain independence to a man choosing faith over love.

The Imitation Game: Alan Turing Decoded by Jim Ottaviani, illustrated by Leland Purvis, Abrams Comic Arts, 2016. A realistic, imaginative, well-drawn graphic novel exploring the life and death of the great mathematician and pioneer of artificial intelligence and computer science,  Alan Turing. His incredible feats during and after WWII were overshadowed by his prosecution for being homosexual. As Ottaviani notes, “I wish I lived in a world that benefited from decades more of Alan Turing alive and well, thinking and discovering.”

Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera. Riverdale Avenue Books, 2016. The coming-of-age story of a young woman learning what it is to be who she is.  Lesbian, Puerto Rican, New Yorker Juliet is running to something that isn’t what she expected and running from problems that follow along with her. A great story for anyone who has ever felt that love can’t replace understanding, that understanding comes in ways you never expected, and that heroes are what you make of them.

Moonstone: The Boy Who Never Was by Sjón. Translated by Victoria Cribb. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016. In 1918, Reykjavik, Iceland was still an isolated place, but its isolation ended in a war to the south and with the arrival in the port of a Danish ship of the deadly Spanish Flu.  Moonstone is a miniature epic about isolation, both geographic and personal. Its protagonist, Máni, lives and survives on silent films, fantasy, and sexual adventures with men met in the shadows.

Our Young Man by Edmund White. Bloomsbury, 2016. A late 20th century Dorian Gray, Guy arrives from small-town France into the world of modeling. His looks are so perfect he demands top fees well into his 30s. White tells his story and the story of the vapid world of fashion at the beginning of the AIDS crisis with a wry sensibility that makes him part of the “gay canon.”

A Thin, Bright Line by Lucy Jane Bledsoe. University of Wisconsin Press, 2016. A fictionalized reimagining of the life of the author’s aunt, Lucybelle Bledsoe is a scientist working during the Cold War. While her skills and knowledge offer her a promising career, her private life as a lesbian may not hold up to government scrutiny.

2017 Over the Rainbow Non-fiction Nominees

Asegi Stories: Cherokee Queer and Two-Spirit Memory, 2nd ed. by Qwo-Li Driskill. University of Arizona Press, 2016. Both a brutal history of colonial intrusion on native peoples and a call to action for asegi (strange spirited) indigenous people to reclaim an ancient, non-binary history of sexuality, the author (Cherokee, poet, historian) uses primary documents to illuminate a world invaded under the justification that ‘savage’ cultures had to be ‘civilized’… and part of that ‘savagery’ was the existence of gender identity Westerners couldn’t understand.

Ask a Queer Chick: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life for Girls Who Dig Girls by Lindsay King-Miller. Plume, 2016. A series of essays about lesbian life based on the advice column of the same name. Topics are written to address both queer and straight readers and include dating, sexual relationships, being out at work, and finding allies.

Bettyville: A Memoir by George Hodgman. Viking, 2015. A richly crafted memoir about a gay son and his aging octogenarian mother. As her health declines, the son returns to the small Missouri town and the house he grew up in, from New York City, to care for her. Despite the passage of time and the decline of both Betty’s and the town’s health, not much has changed in their relationship.

A Body Undone: Living On After Great Pain by Cristina Crosby. “Sexual Cultures.” NYU Press, 2016. One month after her fiftieth birthday, the author becomes a quadriplegic after breaking her neck in a bicycle accident. In this memoir, she writes about her changing feelings toward her body, her relationship, and her own sense of self.

Boy Erased: A Memoir by Garrard Conley. Riverhead, 2016. Conley, a son of a pastor, tells how his struggle with his sexuality brought him to checking into an ex-gay conversion therapy program during his late teens in 2004. He gives a stark look into how he survives the abusive program, struggles with his faith, and comes to terms with his sexuality.

The Cambridge Companion to Lesbian Literature Edited by Jodie Medd. Cambridge University Press, 2016. Representations of lesbian identities, sexuality, and communities in literature from the medieval era to the present are examined as only the Cambridge Companions can, with academic, yet accessible articles on essential authors such as Willa Cather and Audre Lorde, and literary movements, theoretical arguments, and periods. This text is a useful introduction to the variety of lesbian writing.

The Courts, the Ballot Boxes, and Gay Rights: How Our Governing Institutions Shape the Same-Sex Marriage Debate by Joseph Mello. University of Kansas Press, 2016. This well-written and organized book examine how issues, such as same-sex marriage, are shaped by the political system. In offering an extended analysis of the conservative opposition to marriage equality, the author illuminates for us how a political advantage at the ballot box shifts once the courts become involved.

Cursed Legacy: The tragic life of Klaus Mann by Frederic Spotts. Yale, 2016. Klaus Mann, son of Thomas Mann, was one of the first German writers to openly write gay plays and novels, and one of the first to criticize Nazism. He stood by his principles even as he was vilified both by the Germans and later, because he was an outspoken gay writer, by the Americans. He died too young, and this biography attests to both his genius and our loss.

Fair Play: How LGBT Athletes Are Claiming Their Rightful Place in Sports by Cyd Zeigler. Edge of Sports, 2016. A foremost expert in LGBTQIA athletics, Zeigler offers a perspective on the difficulties encountered by these athletes, as well as looking at key moments which have shaped their experiences. While LGBTQIA athletes have made tremendous strides, Zeigler points out how much remains to be done.

The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice by Patricia Bell-Scott. Knopf, 2016. A chronicle of the friendship between First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and Pauli Murray: granddaughter of a mixed-race slave, lawyer, civil rights activist, minister, and co-founder of the National Organization for Women. The book explores the professional and social cost of Murray’s race and gender, in the context of her correspondence with Roosevelt, mentions issues of her gender fluidity and same-sex relationships, and Roosevelt’s use of Murray’s advocacy for racial equality in her public writings.

Forward: A Memoir by Abby Wambach. Dey St/William Morrow, 2016. Memoir of the Olympian and titan of women’s soccer, Abby Wambach, who in 2015 set the record for most goals scored for anyone, men, and women. Her voice comes through strongly, detailing her love/hate relationship with the game, relationships with her wife and close friends, struggles with addiction, and charting her own course through life.

Gratitude by Oliver Sacks. Knopf, 2015. In the last days of his life, the renowned physician and professor of neurology reflect on ideas that shaped his outlook and those things that gave him joy in these four essays that describe his life as a gift and do not view his terminal illness as a medical failure.

Homintern: How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World by Gregory Wood. Yale University Press, 2016. The word, “homintern” popularized in the 1930s, refers to an international conspiracy of homosexuals. Spanning continents, cultures, and the century since the trial of Oscar Wilde, this entertaining, impeccably researched text is filled with history, gossip, a well-curated selection of illustrations, and ultimately proves Woods’ thesis, that gay men and lesbians, through art and tenacity, did indeed liberate the modern world.

Hoover’s War on Gays: Exposing the FBI’s “Sex Deviates” Program by Douglas M. Charles. University Press of Kansas, 2015. A scholar on the history of J. Edgar Hoover’s reign of the FBI, Charles chronicles the wide-reaching efforts of intimidation and harassment of gays and lesbians, as well as the organizations that supported them. The FBI’s ‘Sex Deviates’ program amassed more than 330,000 pages of information, which were destroyed in the late 1970s.This work fills an important gap in history.

A House in St. John’s Wood: In Search of My Parents by Matthew Spender. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015. Son of famed World War I era poet, Stephen Spender and his renowned musician wife, Natasha, the author’s memoir is a quest to understand his parents’ relationship with a detailed biography of their marriage in upper class 1950’s London. Their house was filled with notables of the time. His father continued to have relationships with men, his mother infatuations. Through anecdotes and history, he captures life in a house full of tension and genius, and how ultimately, we are shaped by the strangeness of our families.

I Can Give You Anything But Love by Gary Indiana. Rizzoli/Ex Libris, 2015. The memories from this multifaceted writer and artist have an astringent, biting edge, as recounted here. The writing is eclectic, sometimes satirical, and always real. The author spares no sin in an explicit, unflinching look at his sex- and drug-fueled life, from the punk movement to the AIDS crisis, in his unmistakable voice.

In the Darkroom by Susan Faludi. Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Company, 2016. The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist tries to find the truth when her father shocks her with the news of her sex-change surgery. Questions of identity, rage, and history haunt her story: Hungarian or American, Magyar or Jew, victim or victimizer, man or woman? In the end, “in the universe, there is only one true divide, one real binary: life or death.”  Everything else is open to interpretation, acceptance, or denial.

Masculinities under Neoliberalism Edited by Andrea Cornwall, Frank Karioris, and Nancy Lindisfarne. University of Chicago Press, 2016. Examines the effect of neoliberalism on men’s experience and understanding of gender on a global scale, from Russia, China, Brazil, Angola, the UK, the USA, and more countries, through the lens of working life, sports, religion, parenthood, and more. This work would be useful for sociologists, queer, feminist, and masculinity theorists, and postcolonial studies.

Master of Ceremonies: A Memoir by Joel Grey with Rebecca Paley. Flatiron, 2016. The accomplished actor’s memoir expounds upon his wide-ranging career, from small Jewish theaters with his father to Broadway and his Tony-award winning role in Cabaret that later earns him an Academy Award. In an engaging voice, he shares his struggles with his mother, the support from his father and friends, challenges within his marriage, and his open acceptance later in life as a gay man.

Murder Over a Girl: Justice, Gender, Junior High by Ken Corbett. Henry Holt, 2016. The emotionally-charged true story of a 14 year old murdering his transgender classmate at school, and the trial that followed. The author profiles the people affected by this tragedy, from the victim to the killer, to the families, classmates, and jurors involved in the case. He comes to a disturbing conclusion about our society, what we teach our children, and how we respond to hate crimes.

My Son Wears Heels: One Mom’s Journey from Clueless to Kickass by Julie Tarney, forward by Diane Ehrensaft. University of Wisconsin Press, 2016. At age two, Julie Tarney’s child stated ‘Inside my head, I’m a girl’. In the pre-Internet age, she felt disoriented but was determined to be a loving and supportive parent, doing the right thing for her child. This book chronicles the memorable mother-son relationship, which exemplifies trust, love, and best parenting.

New Mutants: Superheroes and the Radical Imagination of American Comics by Ramzi Fawaz. New York University Press, 2016. This work mines cultural theory to unveil the moral philosophy, political implications, and social semiotics woven throughout American comics in the 20th century. Densely-articulated readings of Fantastic Four, X-Men, New Mutants and other titles unpack the non-normative, outsider, queer, and excluded elements of American culture that readers connected with on a visceral level and that shaped society in ways the authors/artists/producers may never have envisioned.

Not Straight, Not White: Black Gay Men from the March on Washington to the AIDS Crisis by Kevin Mumford. University of Minnesota Press, 2016. The author highlights a select few gay men, often obscured or forgotten, in the Civil Rights Movement.  Their voices have never been heard with such clarity. The author relies on primary documents, historicism, and social theory to explore how some men struggled with a culture of both racial and sexual oppression, from the 1960s into the 21st century.

Out of the Closet, Into the Archives: Researching Sexual Histories by Amy L. Stone and Jaime Cantrell, SUNY Press, 2016. This anthology reveals the archive as an ethnological exploration, from the community archives maintained by dedicated activists and enthused amateurs to the massively increasing university and college outposts. Researchers mine primary documents and ephemera for subtextual, contextual, and overt traces of gay, lesbian, and trans lives. “The case histories provided here testify to the value of innovative collections and the imaginative uses to which scholars can put them.”

Queer Clout: Chicago and the Rise of Gay Politics by Timothy Stewart-Winter. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. A case study of community activism and local politics examines how a movement that had been losing in the courts turned their record around and began to win. It focuses on three points: local context that coalesced the community; forging local partnerships for protection and later progress; and finally, how geographic co-location contributes or limits political power.

Queer Marxism in Two Chinas by Petrus Liu. Duke University Press, 2015. The two Chinas in the title are mainland China and Taiwan. The author of this academic work probes this important and often overlooked area of conflict between political and social spheres, analyzing how queer activists, engaging with the Marxist policies between and within the “two Chinas”, have formed unique and specific ways to resist oppression. Timely and instructive.

Romaine Brooks: A Life by Cassandra Langer. Abrams, 2015. A biography of the lesbian artist and expatriate American painter. Langer does not shy away from Brooks’ fascist leanings at the same time as she repositions Brooks as a cosmopolitan lesbian artist during a time when homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder.

Saving Alex: When I Was Fifteen I Told My Mormon Parents I Was Gay, and That’s When My Nightmare Began by Alex Cooper and Joanna Brooks. HarperOne, 2016. The story of 15-year-old lesbian Alex, whose Mormon family enrolls her in an unlicensed residential treatment program in Utah where she is physically and verbally abused. After several months, she escapes, and with the help of a legal team in Salt Lake City, wins the right to live as an openly gay teen. This is an important story exposing the horrors of gay conversion therapy and rehabilitation centers.

Soul Serenade: Rhythm, Blues & Coming of Age Through Vinyl by Rashod Ollison. Beacon Press, 2016. Ollison tells his excruciatingly honest experience coming of age in Arkansas in a working-class family dealing with poverty. When Ollison’s father abandons the family, he leaves behind the music that helps to shape Ollison’s identity and gives him hope. He also explores how masculinity and becoming aware of his sexuality at a young age affects him.

Stand by Me: The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation by Jim Downs. Basic Books, 2016. Downs has written an essential historical text on gay life during the “forgotten” time between 1969 and the beginnings of the AIDS crisis. Using documents from large metropolitan LGBT centers, he explores communities like the Metropolitan Community Church and those formed in book stores, proving the ‘70s were more than pride marches, sex, and discos.

A Taste for Brown Bodies: Gay Modernity and Cosmopolitan Desire by Hiram Perez. Sexual Cultures Series. NYU Press, 2015. Scholarly, accessible work examines queer theory and shows how it has sidestepped the central concept of race. The author traces the history and impact of the eroticism of ‘brown bodies’ and its centrality in the purview of gay, white, Western colonialist thinking. The author’s close readings of queer theory texts and use of ‘brown’ mirroring, to some extent, the work of José Muñoz, help make this a revelatory work.

Undoing Monogamy: The Politics of Science and the Possibilities of Biology by Angela Willey. Duke University Press, 2016. The author takes the reader a step beyond the science: she gives an interdisciplinary reading of biopossibilities, politics, polyamory, and cultural norms with all their rigid failings, arriving not at a conclusion, but at an invitation to continue the debate. She ends with an explicit call for a “dyke science” to radically re-address how we approach the study of nature, culture, and community.

The Wedding Heard ‘Round the World: America’s First Gay Marriage by Michael McConnell with Jack Baker as told to Gail Langer Karwoski. University of Minnesota Press, 2016. A chronicle of the perils and triumphs of the first same-sex marriage to take place in the United States, which occurred on September 3, 1971. It explores the impact of their personal lives on their professional careers immediately and in the following decades.

Wedlocked: The Perils of Marriage Equality by Katherine Franke. Sexual Cultures Series. NYU Press, 2015. This academic work takes a legal and sociological perspective on gay marriage, making a dismaying case for sexual and racial exclusion under the guise of marriage rights. Shortly after slavery was abolished, laws were used to stoke hatred and restrict rather than protect rights; she warns of the possibility of similar outcomes, including the loss of an engaged and supportive GLBTQIA community, with legalizing same-sex marriage.

2016 Over the Rainbow List: 68 LGBT Books for Adult Readers

 The 2016 Over the Rainbow Project book list, sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) of the American Library Association (ALA), was decided  at ALA’s Midwinter Meeting in Boston.

The bibliography features quality fiction and non-fiction books for adults that are recognized by the Over the Rainbow Project, an ad hoc committee of GLBTRT, for their authentic expression of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender experiences.  Each year, the Over the Rainbow Project releases its annotated bibliography to aid librarians and patrons in selecting quality books released over the past 18 months.

This year’s list includes 68 titles published between July 1, 2014 and Dec. 31, 2015.

The 2016 Over the Rainbow committee includes Rebecca (Butler) Mendelson, Chair; Nicholae Cline, Amy Greschaw, Kate Hampton, Derek Marshall, Andrea Perez, Stephanie Saintful, and Matthew Windsor. The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Round Table of the American Library Association is committed to serving the information needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender professional library community and the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender information and access needs of individuals at large. GLBTRT is committed to encouraging and supporting the free and necessary access to all information, as reflected by the missions of the American Library Association and democratic institutions.

Our Top Ten Favorites

Mislaid by Nell Zink. HarperCollins, 2015. 242 pp. $19 (978-0-06-236477) A winding, intricate tale of a non-traditional family fighting for survival in the 1960’s. Fiction.

The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson. Graywolf Press, 2015. 143pp. $15 (978-1-55597-707-8) “A genre-bending memoir, a work of ‘autotheory’ offering fresh, fierce, and timely thinking about desire, identity, and the limitations and possibilities of love and language. At its center is a romance: the story of the author’s relationship with the artist Harry Dodge. This story, which includes the author’s account of falling in love with Dodge, who is fluidly gendered, as well as her journey to and through a pregnancy, is an intimate portrayal of the complexities and joys of (queer) family-making”–Dust jacket flap. Biography

Arresting dress: cross-dressing, law, and fascination in nineteenth-century San Francisco by Clare Sears. Duke University Press, 2015. 202 pp. $79.95 (978-0-8223-5754-4) An in depth examination of cross-dressing laws in San Francisco in the 19th Century.  Adopted as part of a broader anti-indecency campaign, the cross-dressing law became a flexible tool for policing multiple gender transgressions, facilitating over one hundred arrests before the century’s end. Includes archival material, pictures, and detailed stories. Non-Fiction.

Dirty river?: a queer femme of color dreaming her way home by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015. 237 pp. $18.95 (978-1-55152-600-3) A poet’s memoir that reveals how a disabled queer woman of color and abuse survivor navigates her past and her future. Biography.

How to grow up: a memoir by Michelle Tea. Plume, 2015. 287pp. $12.66 (978-0-14-218119-5) A memoir told in multiple essays that tells the story of a woman awkwardly coming to grips with being a “grown up.” Biography.

No house to call my home: love, family, and other transgressions by Ryan Berg. Nation Books, 2015. 294pp. $25.99 (978-1-56858-509-3) A heart wrenching account of disowned and homeless LGBTQ teens and the man who tried to help them. These stories are complex, sad, and moving. Non-Fiction.

Visions and revisions: coming of age in the age of Aids by Dale Peck Soho Press, 2015. 212pp. $19.29 (978-1-61695-441-3) Peck tells his story of life during the AIDS epidemic through personal essays, critical theory, history, eriotica and poetry. Biography.

The Evening Chorus by Helen Humphreys. Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. 212pp. $12.28 (978-0-544-34869-1) WWII pilot James Hunter is shot down and sent to a German POW camp on his very first mission. While other prisoners play games and plot escape, James observes and records the development of a nest of restarts near the camp. James wife, Rose, finds freedom she never knew before, left behind in their English cottage. This freedom is threatened when James’ sister Enid comes to stay, having lost both her home and her lover in the Blitz. Fiction,.

The gay revolution: the story of the struggle by Lillian Faderman. Simon & Schuster, 2015. 794pp. $25.73 (978-1-4516-9412-3) The sweeping story of the modern struggle for gay, lesbian, and trans rights—from the 1950s to the present—based on amazing interviews with politicians, military figures, legal activists, and members of the entire LGBT community who face these challenges every day. Non-Fiction.

Girl Sex 101. Allison Moon and Katie Diamond.  Lunaticink, 2015. 388pp. $24.99 (978-0-9838309-5-5) A sex-ed book told with humor and illustrations geared toward women. Graphic Novel.



Bordered lives: transgender portraits from Mexico by Kike Arnal, The New Press, 2014. 183pp. $21.95 (978-1-62097-024-9) “A richly evocative collection of photographs by internationally renowned photographer Kike Arnal, Bordered Lives seeks to push back against the transphobic caricatures that have perpetuated discrimination against the transgender community in Mexico. Despite some important advances in recognizing and protecting the rights of its transgender community, including legislation against hate crimes targeting transgender people, discrimination still persists, and the majority of the often appallingly violent attacks against the LGBT community are against transgender women. In the highly personal profiles that make up Bordered Lives, including the first transgender couple to be married in Mexico and one of the country’s most high-profile transgender entertainers, Arnal looks at seven individuals in and around Mexico City. He shows them going about their day-to-day lives: getting ready in the morning, interacting with family and friends, and devoting their lives to helping others in the transgender community. Moving in its honesty, Bordered Lives challenges society’s preconceived notions of sexuality, gender, and beauty not only in Mexico but across the globe. “– Jacket

Lyudmila and Natasha: Russian lives by Misha Friedman.  The New Press, 2015. 141pp. $19.81 (978-1-62097-023-2) A year in photographs depicting the lives of a gay couple living in Saint Petersburg, Russia.



After the Parade: A Novel by Lori Ostlund. Scribner, 2015. 340pp $18.40 (978-1-4767-9010-7) After leaving his partner in New Mexico to start a new life in San Francisco, ESL teacher Aaron Englund seeks closure from a rejection-marked childhood and his own questionable choices by exploring his relationships with fellow misfits in his youth.

A useless man: selected stories by Faik Sait, Maureen Freely, and Alexander Dawe. Archipelago Books, 2014. 240pp. $14.37 (978-0-914671-07-7) Sait Faik Abasiyanik was born in Adapazari in 1906 and died of cirrhosis in Istanbul in 1954. He wrote twelve books of short stories, two novels, and a book of poetry. His stories celebrate the natural world and trace the plight of iconic characters in society: ancient coffeehouse proprietors and priests, dream-addled fishermen and poets of the Princes’ Isles, lovers and wandering minstrels of another time.

Breathing lessons: a novel by Andy Sinclair.  Esplanade Books, 2015. 146pp. $18.95 (978-1-55065-397-7) The story of Henry Moss, a homosexual everyman whose life knows none of the limitations or abuses his predecessors experienced.

Foucault, in winter, in the Linnaeus garden: a novel by Michael Joyce. Starcherone Books, 2015. 185pp. $16 (978-1-938603-23-5) A fictional account of Focault’s 1956 stay in Sweden told through imagined letters in multiple languages.

Jam on the Vine by LaShonda Katrice Barnett. Publishers Group West, 2015. 323pp. $20.43 (978-0-8021-2334-3) A historical novel set in the age of Jim Crow and the Great Migration. Ivoe Williams, the daughter of a Muslim cook and a metalsmith struggles for equality and triumphs against all odds. Ivoe falls in love with a woman and they build a life together in Missouri in the wake of social change.

Lost boi by Sassafras Lowrey. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015. 233pp. $13.43 (978-1-55152-581-5) A queer punk reimagining of the classic Peter Pan story, told from the point of view of Tootles, Pan’s best boi.

Sphinx by Anne F Garreta. Deep Vellum Pub, 2015. 120pp. $12.21 (978-1-941920-08-4) A romance set in Paris that mixes sexes and blurs genders. This is the first English translation of Garreta’s debut novel.

The Green Road by Anne Enright. First W. W. Norton & Company, 2015. 309pp. $18.61 (978-0-393-24821-0) Follows the lives of Arleen Madigan and her children, a family from County Clare, Ireland, beginning in 1980 and continuing to the present day. Over the 30 years, the children spread across three different continents before reuniting at the family home on Christmas day.

The Listener by Rachel Brasch. Pegasus, 2015. 336pp. $17.76 (978-1-60598-688-3) The story of a student and his professor/psychologist and the way their lives are intertwined through issues of gender and difference. Explores issues of self-definition, trans* identity, and relationships.

Under the Udala trees by Chinelo Okparanta. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015. 328pp. $25 (978-0-544-00344-6) A young Nigerian girl, displaced during their civil war, begins a powerful love affair with another refugee girl from a different ethnic community until the pair are discovered and must learn the cost of living a lie amidst taboos and prejudices.

When everything feels like the movies by Raziel Reid. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2014. 171pp. $11.41 (978-1-55152-574-7) A gay teen who fantasizes about being a movie teen reimagines his world as a movie set. He tells his own story of the need for acceptance and love.


Graphic Narrative

Dash #1 An Engaging Blend of Noir and Queer by Dave Ebersole. Northwest Press, 2015. 24pp. $3.99 Private investigator Dash Malone can’t shake the feeling his lover, Johnny, is hiding something. Strange deaths start occurring throughout the city while a mysterious woman named Zita Makara begs Dash to take her case. When a grisly murder connects all three, a terrifying mystery unfolds



A view from the bottom: Asian American masculinity and sexual representation by Tan Hoang Nguyen.  Duke University Press, 2014. 287pp. $82 (978-0-8223-5672-1) An in-depth look at  Asian American male sexual representation that uses the concept of bottomhood rather than masculinity to  help portray gay Asian American men.

Fat gay men: girth, mirth, and the politics of stigma by Jason Whitesel. University Press, 2014. 177pp. $22 (978-0-8147-0838-5) “To be fat in a thin-obsessed gay culture can be difficult. Despite affectionate in-group monikers for big gay men-chubs, bears, cubs-the anti-fat stigma that persists in American culture at large still haunts these individuals who often exist at the margins of gay communities. In Fat Gay Men, Jason Whitesel delves into the world of Girth & Mirth, a nationally known social club dedicated to big gay men, illuminating the ways in which these men form identities and community in the face of adversity.”– Jacket

Gaming at the Edge: Sexuality and Gender at the Margins of Gamer Culture by Adrienne Shaw. University of Minnesota Press, 2014. 317pp. $25 (978-0-8166-9315-3) A discussion of gamer culture, specifically sexuality and gender through a feminist, queer, postcolonial lens.

Gay directors, gay films?: Pedro Almodóvar, Terence Davies, Todd Haynes, Gus Van Sant, John Waters. Emanuel Levy. Columbia University Press, 2015. 317pp. $35 (978-0-231-15276-1) An in depth look at five contemporary gay male film directors that sets up a framework for what it means to make a gay film or adopt a gay point of view.

Geisha of a different kind: race and sexuality in gaysian America by C. Winter Han. New York University Press, 2015. 235pp. $89 (978-1-4798-3195-1) Addresses Asian American gay men in the American gay mainstream. The author travels from West Coast Asian drag shows to the internationally sought-after Thai kathoey, or “ladyboy,” to construct a theory of queerness that is inclusive of the race and gender particularities of the gay Asian male experience in the United States.

Massive: gay Japanese manga and the men who make it edited by Anne Ishii, Chip Kidd, and Graham Kolbeins. Fantagraphics Books, 2014. 280pp. $31.64 (978-1-60699-785-7) An introdution to comic artists making work for a gay male audience in Japan. Addresses the hyper-masculine world fo Japanese gay manga.

Not gay: sex between straight white men by Elizabeth Jane Ward. New York University Press, 2015. 74pp. $14.95 (978-1-4798-2517-2) A frank and sometimes difficult discussion of sexual practices of men who identify as straight but have homosexual encounters.  The author argues that sexuality is complex and fluid and presents a new take the complexities of heterosexuality.

Paths to Recovery for Gay and Bisexual Drug Addicts: Healing Weary Heart by Paul Schulte. Rowman and Littlefiled Publishers, 2014. 194pp. $65 (978-1-4422-4998-6) Provides practical advice on the problems that confront counselors, friends, and family members in our efforts to help gay or bisexual men with drug and alcohol addiction.

Queer brown voices: personal narratives of Latina/o LGBT activism edited by Uriel Quesada, Letitia Gomez, and Salvador Vidal-Ortiz. University of Texas Press, 2015. 238pp. $24.95 (978-1-4773-0232-3) Personal narratives that share the experiences of lesbians, gay men, and trans activits from a variety of Latina/o communities.

Seeing sodomy in the Middle Ages by Robert Mills. The University of Chicago Press, 2015. 398 pp. $55 (978-0-226-16912-5) Explores the relationship between sodomy and motifs of vision and visibility in medieval culture, on the one hand, and those categories we today call gender and sexuality, on the other.

Story/Time: the life of an idea by Bill T. Jones. Princeton University Press, 2014. 107 pp. $24.95 (978-0-691-16270-6) Acclaimed African American dancer, choreographer, and director Bill T. Jones reflects on his art and life as he describes the genesis of Story/Time, a recent dance work produced by his company and inspired by the modernist composer and performer John Cage.

The Bible’s yes to same-sex marriage: an evangelical’s change of heart by Mark Achtemeier. Westminster John Knox Press, 2014. 137pp. $13.40 (978-0-664-23990-9) In the early 2000’s, Mark Achtemeier embarked on a personal journey with the Bible that led him from being a conservative, evangelical opponent of gay rights to an outspoken activist for gay marriage and a fully inclusive church. In “The Bible’s Yes to Same-Sex Marriage,” Achtemeier shares what led to his change of heart.

The invisible orientation: an introduction to asexuality by Julie Sondra Decker. Carrel Books, an imprint of Skyhorse Pub, 2014. 216pp. $34.95 (978-1-63144-002-1) Julie Sondra Decker outlines what asexuality is, counters misconceptions, provides resources, and puts asexual people’s experiences in context as they move through a very sexualized world. It includes information for asexual people to help understand their orientation and what it means for their relationships, as well as tips and facts for those who want to underhand their asexual friends and loved ones.”–Jacket

The queerness of Native American literature by Lisa Tatonetti. University of Minnesota Press, 2014. 278pp. $75 (978-0-8166-9278-1) Tatonetti carefully describes the ties between queerness and Native American literature while showing how they critique understandings of indigeneity and sexuality.

This book is gay. James Dawson and Spike Gerrell. Sourebooks Fire, 2015. 264pp. $13.81 (978-1-4926-1782-2) “Lesbian. Bisexual. Queer. Transgender. Striaght. Curious. This book is for everyone, regardless of gender or sexual preference. This book is for anyone who’s ever dared to wonder”–Back cover.

Transgender persons and the law 2nd Edition. Ally Windsor Howell. American Bar Association, Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, 2015. 343pp. $129.95 (978-1-63425-036-8) An updated version that takes into account recent changes in the law. Intended to educate and inform practitioners on the various laws and landmark court cases involving transgendered individuals in a number of legal situations, including housing, veterans benefits, family law, health care, employment, criminal justice, and more.

Untangling the knot: queer voices on marriage, relationships & identity edited by Carter Sickels. Ooligan Press, 2015. 227pp. $16.95 (978-1-932010-75-6) Anthology of essays and non-fiction discussing marriage equality and LGBTQ rights.



Bowie on Bowie: interviews and encounters with David Bowie edited by Sean Egan and David Bowie. Chicago Review Press, 2015. 434pp. $27.95  (978-1-56976-977-5)   Bowie on Bowie presents some of the best interviews Bowie has granted in his near five-decade career. It includes well known news outlets as well as smaller sources and provides a wealth of material about the entertainer.

Course correction: a story of rowing and resilience in the wake of Title IX by Ginny Gilder. Beacon Press, 2015. $252 pp. $20.66 (978-0-8070-7477-0) Gilder recounts the physical and psychological barriers she overcame as she transformed into an elite athlete who reached the highest echelon of her sport. Set against the backdrop of unprecedented cultural change, Gilder’s story personalizes the impact of Title IX, illustrating the life-changing lessons learned in sports but felt far beyond the athletic arena.

Gay Berlin: birthplace of a modern identity by Robert Beachy. Knopf, 2014. 305pp. $23.46 (978-0-307-27210-2) An exploration of the lives of “warm brothers” in Berlin. A detailed historical look at the ways these lives influenced modern understandings of sexual orientation and gay identity.

I’m special: and other lies we tell ourselves by Ryan O’Connell. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2015. 195pp. $15 (978-1-4767-0040-3) A funny, yet poignant view of life and accomplishment through the eyes of the Millennial generation. The author focuses on becoming an adult in the midst of insecurity and doubt.

Irrepressible: the Jazz Age life of Henrietta Bingham by Emily Bingham. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015. 369pp. $21.75 (978-0-8090-9464-6)The biography of a nearly forgotten member of one of Louisville, Kentucky’s most notable families. Deeply researched and beautifully written by her great niece, the book tells a story that is intriguing and heartbreaking.

Living large: Wilna Hervey and Nan Mason by Joseph P. Eckhardt. WoodstockArts, 2015. 200 pp. $37 (978-0-9679268-8-9) The biography of silent film actress and visual artist Wilna Hervey and her lifelong partner, fellow artist Nan Mason. Includes family photos, stills from several of Hervey’s films and images of the couple’s art work.

Snapshots of a Girl by Beldan Sezen. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015. 176pp. $17.65 (978-1-55152-598-4)In this autobiographical graphic novel, Beldan Sezen revisits the various instances of her coming of age, and her coming out as lesbian, in both western and Islamic cultures.

Non-Fiction- Essays

I will say this exactly one time?: essays by D. Gilsen.  Sibling Rivalry Press, 2015. 140 pp. $18 (978-1-937420-99-4) A set of essays that explores what it means to be a poet and cultural theorist in the world. These essays are deeply personal and address the concept of “queer” as an identification.

What color is your hoodie? by Jarrett Neal.  Chelsea Station Editions, 2015. 176 pp. $18 (978-1-937627-22-5) Essays detailing the status of black gay men in the new millennium, examining classism among black gay men, racism within the gay community, representations of the black male body within gay pornography, and patriarchal threats to the survival of both black men and gay men.


The cafe of our departure by Priscilla Atkins. Sibling Rivalry Press, 2015. 77pp. $10.83 (978-1-937420-87-1) This collection of lyric poems is a fugue of friendship: a straight girl and a gay boy coming of age in early 1970s America. Interwoven with a lifetime of intimacies shared, the narrative tracks a second life of grief, when a soul-mate dies.

City of starlings by Daniel Nathan Terry. Sibling Rivalry Press, 2015. 86pp. $14.95 (978-1-937420-86-4) Poetry that delves into the author’s loss and life and challenges readers to find beauty in the ordinary.

 The Devastation by Melissa Buzzeo.  Nightboat, 2015. 88pp. $14.98 (978- 1-937658-25-2) A book length poem that imagines two lovers surviving a shipwreck and lying together at the bottom of the ocean. A complex exploration of language and the power of the sea.

Erebus by Jane Summer. Sibling Rivalry Press, 2015. 185pp $24.95 (978-1-937420-90-1) A poetic expose of a plane crash that took the life of the author’s friend.

Fanny says: poems by Nickole Brown. BOA Editions, 2015. 148pp, $13.52 (978-1-938160-57-8) A biography of a fiesty, bawdy, grandmother told through the poetry of her granddaughter. Funny, powerful, and steeped in truth and love.

Girlie Calendar (The Lillian Trilogy) by Mary Meriam.  Headmistress Press, 2014. 108pp. $10 (0-692-21672-3) A book of poetry in the Lillian Trilogy.

Hook by Peter Laberge. Sibling Rivalry Press, 2015.  36pp. $12 (978- 1-937420-97-3) A book of poetry seeking beauty in nature and in our bodies, despite the threat of violence. Powerful and beautiful.

The new testament by Jericho Brown.  Copper Canyon Press, 2014. 73pp. $14.40 (978-1-55659-457-1) A deep and provocative story told through poetry revealing memories and trauma that continue through generations. Deeply haunting and beautifully written.

Pelvis with distance by Jessica Jacobs. White Pine Press, 2015. 135pp. $13.70 (978-1-935210-66-5) A biography of Georgia O’Keefe written in poetry that reads like a beautiful, subtle novel.

Teaching a man to unstick his tail by Ralph Hamilton. Sibling Rivalry Press, 2015. 114pp. $16.95 (978-1-937420-88-8) A collection of poetry about relationships, emotions and love lost and found.

The following books were awarded honors by the Stonewall Book Awards and are therefore also included in the Over The Rainbow list:

Apocalypse baby by Virginie Despentes and Sian Reynolds.  The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2015. 310pp. $19.63 (978-0-87071-595-2) Lesbian Mari Equi’s move from New Jerseyu to Oregon at the turn of the 20th century begins her activist life that frequently lands her in a number of relationships and often in jail.

Becoming Nicole: the transformation of an American family by Amy  Ellis Nutt. Random House, 2015. 279pp $17.87 (978-0-8129-9541-1) The Maines family is transformed when they discover that one of their adopted identical twins is transgender, and they learn to provide heightened emotional an legal safeguards to fulfill her potential.

For your own good by Luke Horlick. Caitlin Press, 2015. 95pp. $18 (978-1-927575-67-3) A hauntingly powerful collection of poems takes the reader through the excruciating twists and turns of being a queer, sexual assault survivor.

The gay revolution: the story of the struggle by Lillian Faderman. Simon & Schuster, 2015. 794pp. $25.73 (978-1-4516-9412-3) The sweeping story of the modern struggle for gay, lesbian, and trans rights—from the 1950s to the present—based on amazing interviews with politicians, military figures, legal activists, and members of the entire LGBT community who face these challenges every day. Non-Fiction.

The gods of tango by Carolina De Robertis.  Knopf, 2015. 367pp. $20.61 (978-1-101-87449-3) A complete and intricate story of how one inhabits otherness in a structured society begins in 1913 after Leta trabels from Italy to Buenos Ares seeking her husband witth gender identitry, migration, and tango.

Jam on the Vine by LaShonda Katrice Barnett. Publishers Group West, 2015. 323pp. $20.43 (978-0-8021-2334-3) A historical novel set in the age of Jim Crow and the Great Migration. Ivoe Williams, the daughter of a Muslim cook and a metalsmith struggles for equality and triumphs against all odds. Ivoe falls in love with a woman and they build a life together in Missouri in the wake of social change.

Lum, A Novel  by Libby Ware. She Writes Press, 2015. 215pp. $13.93 (978-1-63152-003-7) For intersex Lum, depended on her parasitic family members for three decades, the development of the Blue Ridge Parkway brings new financial and social opportunities in 1930’s Appalachia.

Marie Equi: radical politics and outlaw passions by Michael Helquist. Oregon State University Press, 2015. 310 pp. $19.63 (978-0-87071-595-2) Lesbian Mari Equi’s move from New Jerseyu to Oregon at the turn of the 20th century begins her activist life that frequently lands her in a number of relationships and often in jail.

Speak now: marriage equality on trial: the story of Hollingsworth v. Perry by Kenji Yoshino. Crown Publishers, 2015. 373pp. $23.53 (978-0-385-34880-5) Kenji Yoshino provides a clear and accessible account of the background to the 2010 lawsuit against Proposition 8 in California and then the life-changing Supreme Court case of Hollingsworth v. Perry.

Violence against queer people: race, class, gender, and the persistence of anti-LGBT discrimination. Doug Meyer. Rutgers University Press, 2016. 194pp. $90 (978-0-8135-7316-8) Meyer’s scholarly work shows that atributing homophobia to certain groups (religious, social-economic status, Black and/or Latino communities) further marginalizes GLBTQ members of this group.