Monthly Archives: November 2011

And the nominations are…OTR 2011 LGBT Books!

Over the Rainbow Project  is very proud to announce that we have 140 titles under consideration for next year’s recommended OTR List.  We have culled this list from approximately  260 eligible titles  published since July 1, 2010.  A title is considered “nominated” when at least one committee member has read the book in its entirety […]

October 2011 Nominations for Over the Rainbow Books

Bellerose, Sally.  The Girls Club.  Bywater Books. Dellamora, Richard.  Radclyffe Hall:  A Life in the Writing (Haney Foundation Series).  University of Pennsylvania Press. Dhalla, Ghalib Shiraz.  The Two Krishnas.  Magnus Books. Files, Gemma.  A Rope of Thorns:  Book Two of the Hexslinger Series.   ChiZine. Hart, Ellen.  Lost Women of Lost Lake.  Minotaur Books. Hollinghurst, […]