Under Consideration

Under consideration for December 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Blount, Tommye. Fantasia for the Man in Blue. Four Way Books, 2020.

Brant, Beth. A Generous Spirit: Selected Work by Beth Brant. Inanna Press, 2020.

Clarke, Diana. Thin Girls. HarperCollins, 2020.

Donoghue, Emma. Pull of the Stars. Little, Brown, 2020.

Fargo, Layne. They Never Learn. Scout Press, 2020.

Head, Cheryl A. Find Me When I’m Lost. Bywater Books, 2020.

Jae. The Roommate Arrangement. Ylva Publishing, 2019.

Joukhadar, Zeyn. The Thirty Names of Night. Atria Books, 2020.

Lenhardt, Melissa. The Secret of You and Me. Graydon House, 2020.

Malerich, C. S. The Factory Witches of Lowell. Tor, 2020.

McDonnell, MZ. Poet, prophet, fox : the tale of Sinnach the Seer. Book one, How the fox gained his sight. Moose Maple Press, 2019.

Milliken, Kate. Kept Animals. Simon & Schuster, 2020.

Salam, Anbara. Belladonna. Berkley Books, 2020.

Stearns, R. E. Gravity of a Distant Sun. Saga, 2020.

Ulanday Barrett, Kay. More than Organs. Sibling Rivalry Press, 2020.

Wilsner, Meryl. Something to Talk About. Berkley Books, 2020.


Gieseking, Jen Jack. A Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, and Queers. New York University Press, 2020.

Giorno, John. Great Demon Kings. Farrar Strauss & Giroux, 2020.

Jackson, Richie. Gay Like Me: A Father Writes to His Son. Harper, 2020.

James, Evan. I’ve Been Wrong Before. Atria Books, 2020.

Montez, Ricardo. Keith Haring’s Line: Race and the Performance of Desire. Duke University Press, 2020.

Rastrelli, Tom. Confessions of a Gay Priest: A Memoir of Sex, Love, Abuse, and Scandal in the Catholic Seminary. University of Iowa Press, 2020.

Under consideration for November 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Chin, Staceyann. Crossfire: A Litany for Survival. Haymarket Press, 2019.

Emezi, Akwaeke. The Death of Vivek Oji. Riverhead Books, 2020.

Hart, Ellen. In a Midnight Wood. Minotaur Books, 2020.

La Mackerel, Kama. Zom-Fam. Metonymy Press, 2020.

Ring, Dave (editor). Glitter + Ashes: Queer Tales of a World that Wouldn’t Die. Neon Hemlock Press, 2020.

Sarais, Michael. All of My Friends Are Rich. Cloudy Day Publishing, 2020.


Ali, Mohamed Abdulkarim. Angry Queer Somali Boy: A Complicated Memoir. University of Regina Press, 2019.

Burgess, Rebecca. How to Be Ace: A Memoir of Growing Up Asexual. Jessica Kingsley, 2020.

Glaude, Eddie S., Jr. Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own. Crown, 2020.

Lisicky, Paul. Later: My Life at the Edge of the World. Graywolf Press, 2020.

Rapinoe, Megan. One Life. Penguin Press, 2020.

Sullivan, Lou. We Both Laughed in Pleasure. Nightboat Books, 2020.

Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein. The Freezer Door. Semiotext(e), 2020.

Under consideration for October 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Albert, Annabeth. Conventionally Yours. Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2020.

Appleby, Steven. Dragman. Metropolitan Books, 2020.

Catherine, Chelsea. Summer of the Cicadas. Red Hen Press, 2020.

Cipri, Nino. Finna. Tor, 2020.

Danforth, Emily M. Plain Bad Heroines. William Morrow, 2020.

Elliott, Kate. Unconquerable Sun. Tor, 2020.

Huang, S.L. Burning Roses. Tor.com, 2020.

Masad, Ilana. All My Mother’s Lovers. Dutton, 2020.

McMan, Ann. Galileo. Bywater Books, 2019.

Washington, Bryan. Memorial. Riverhead Books, 2020.


Glaude, Eddie S., Jr. Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own. Crown, 2020.

Volpert, Megan. Closet Cases: Queers on What We Wear. Et Alia Press, 2020.

Under consideration for September 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Addison, Katherine. Angel of Crows. Tor Books, 2020.

Chang, K-Ming. Bestiary. One World, 2020.

Cipri, Nino. Homesick: Stories. Dzanc Books, 2019.

Corral, Eduardo C. Guillotine: Poems. Graywolf Press, 2020.

Dunbar, Eboni. Stone and Steel. Neon Hemlock Press, 2020.

Frohn, Celine (editor). Unspeakable: A Queer Gothic Anthology. Nyx Publishing, 2020.

Garcia, Benjamin. Thrown in the Throat. Milkwood Press, 2020.

Gordon, John R. Hark. Team Angelica, 2020.

Kern, Sim. Depart, Depart! Stelliform Press, 2020.

Lydon, Clare. Before You Say I Do. Custard Books, 2020.

Montlack, Michael. Daddy. NYQ Books, 2020.

Persaud, Ingrid. Love After Love. One World, 2020.

Phillips, Stephanie. Devil Within. Black Mask Comics, 2020.

Wild, Arhm Choi. Cut to Bloom. Write Bloody Publishing, 2020.


Buttigieg, Chasten. I Have Something to Tell You. Atria, 2020.

Doyle, Glennon. Untamed. Dial Press, 2020.

Eskridge, William N. Jr. and Christopher R. Riano. Marriage Equality: From Outlaws to In-Laws. Yale University Press, 2020.

Faliveno, Melissa. Tomboyland: Essays. Topplebooks, 2020.

Glasby, Hillery, Sherrie Gradin, and Rachael Ryerson (editors). Storytelling in Queer Appalachia. West Virginia University Press, 2020.

Hern�ndez, Robb. Archiving an Epidemic. NYU Press, 2019.

Ivester, Jo. Once a Girl, Always a Boy: A Family Memoir of a Transgender Journey. She Writes Press, 2020.

Levya, Marizol and Selenis Levya. My Sister: How One Sibling’s Transition Changed Us Both. Bold Type Books, 2020.

Lorde, Audre (edited by Roxane Gay). Selected Works of Audre Lorde. W. W. Norton, 2020.

Malatino, Hil. Trans Care. University of Minnesota Press, 2020.

Wagner, R. Richard. Coming Out, Moving Forward: Wisconsin’s Recent Gay History. Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 2020.

Under consideration for August 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Bass, Ellen. Indigo. Copper Canyon Press, 2020.

Bellefleur, Alexandria. Written in the Stars. Avon, 2020.

Doss, Zachary. Boy Oh Boy. Red Hen Press, 2020.

Flowers, Charles. The Idea of Him. Midsummer Nights Press, 2020.

Guenther, Faye. Swimmers in Winter. Invisible Publishing, 2020.

Lansky, Sam. Broken People. Hanover Square Press, 2020.

Maldonado, Ricardo Alberto. The Life Assignment. Four Way Books, 2020.

Mootoo, Shani. Polar Vortex. Akashic Books, 2020.

Polk, C.L. Stormsong. Tom Doherty Associates, 2020.

Sala, Sarah M. Devil’s Lake. Tolsun Books, 2020.

Singer, Lea. The Piano Student. New Vessel Press, 2020.

Stintzi, John Elizabeth. Vanishing Monuments. Arsenal Pulp, 2020.

Tran, Eric. The Gutter Spread Guide to Prayer. Autumn House Press, 2020.

Wilson, G. Willow, and Christian Ward. Invisible Kingdom: Volume 1, The Walking Path. Dark Horse Comics, 2019.


Belcourt, Billy-Ray. A History of My Brief Body. Two Dollar Radio, 2020.

McBeth, Mark. Queer Literacies. Lanham Lexington Books, 2019.

Som, Bishakh. Spellbound: a Graphic Memoir. Street noise Books, 2020.

Under consideration for July 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Borges Polesso, Nat�lia. Amora: Stories. Amazon Crossing, 2020.

Dolan, Naoise. Exciting Times. Ecco, 2020.

Fitzwater, A. J. No Man’s Land. Paper Road Press, 2020.

Hargrave, Kiran Millwood. The Mercies. Little, Brown, 2020.

Hart, Ellen. Twisted at the Root. St. Martin’s, 2019.

Hudson, Genevieve. Boys of Alabama. W. W. Norton, 2020.

Jedrowski, Tomasz. Swimming in the Dark. William Morrow, 2020.

Kispert, Peter. I Know You Know Who I Am. Penguin Books, 2020.

Manning, Corinne. We Had No Rules. Arsenal Pulp, 2020.

Mar-Jones, Adam. Box Hill. New Directions, 2020.

Rader, Mark. The Wanting Life. Unnamed Press, 2020.

Smith, Timothy Jay. Fire on the Island. Arcade Crimewise, 2020.

Stintzi, John Elizabeth. Junebat. Anansi, 2020.

Upson, Nicola. Sorry for the Dead. Crooked Lane, 2019.


D�az, Jaquira. Ordinary Girls. Algonquin Press, 2019.

Jansson, Tove. Letters from Tove. University of Minnesota Press, 2020.

Manion, Jen. Female Husbands: A Trans History. Cambridge University Press, 2020.

Wojczuk, Tana. Lady Romeo: The Radical and Revolutionary Life of Charlotte Cushman, America’s First Celebrity. Avid/Simon & Schuster, 2020.

Under consideration for June 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Alexander, Jenn. Home. Bywater, 2020.

Arafat, Zaina. You Exist Too Much. Catapult, 2020.

Arag�n, Francisco. After Rub�n. Red Hen Press, 2020.

Caruso, Melissa. The Obsidian Tower. Orbit, 2020.

Christmas, Jillian. The Gospel of Breaking. Arsenal Pulp, 2020.

Guzm�n, Roy G. Catrachos: Poems. Graywolf, 2020.

Sickels, Carter. The Prettiest Star. Hub City Press, 2020.

Som, Biskakh. Apsara Engine. Feminist Press, 2020.

Staples, Dennis. This Town Sleeps. Counterpoint, 2020.


Adjmi, David. Lot Six. Harper, 2020.

Bombardier, Cooper Lee. Pass with Care: Memoirs. Dottir Press, 2020.

Esposito, Cameron. Save Yourself. Grand Central Publishing, 2020.

Under Consideration for May 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Buchanan, Rowan Hisayo. Starling Days. Abrams, 2020.

Charles, KJ. Slippery Creatures. KJC Books, 2020.

Dawn, Amber. My Art is Killing Me and Other Poems. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2020.

Delabroy-Allard, Pauline. They Say Sarah. Other Press, 2020.

Earley, Elizabeth. Like Wings, Your Hands. Red Hen Press, 2019.

Hall, Alexis. Boyfriend Material. Sourcebooks Casablanca, 2020.

Hashimoto, Emily. A World Between. Feminist Press, 2020.

Herren, Greg. Royal Street Reveillon. Bold Strokes Books, 2019.

Hicks, Faylita. Hoodwitch: Poems. Acre Books, 2019.

Knecht, Rosalie. Vera Kelly Is Not a Mystery. Tin House, 2020.

Moniz, Tomas. Big Familia. Acre Books, 2019.

Shraya, Vivek. The Subtweet. ECW Books, 2020.



Altman, Elissa. Motherland: A Memoir of Love, Loathing, and Longing. Ballantine Books, 2019.

Baron, Dennis. What’s Your Pronoun? Beyond He and She. W. W. Norton, 2020.

Boylan, Jennifer Finney. Good Boy: My Life in Seven Dogs. Celadon Books, 2020.

Brim, Matt. Poor Queer Studies: Confronting Elitism in the University. Duke University Press, 2020.

Cervini, Eric. The Deviant’s War: The Homosexual vs. The United States of America. Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2020.

Chen, Angela. Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex. Beacon Press, 2020.

Crewes, Eleanor. The Times I Knew I Was Gay. Scribner, 2020.

Ghaziani, Amin, and Matt Brim, editors. Imagining Queer Methods. NYU Press, 2019.

Koestenbaum, Wayne. Figure It Out: Essays. Soft Skull Press, 2020.

Marszalek, John F. Coming Out of the Magnolia Closet: Same-Sex Couples in Mississippi. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.

Mesch, Rachel. Before Trans: Three Gender Stories from Nineteenth-Century France. Stanford University Press, 2020.

Orloff, Alvin. DISASTERAMA!: Adventures in the Queer Underground 1977 to 1997. Three Rooms Press, 2019.

Ortile, Matt. The Groom Will Keep His Name: And Other Vows I’ve Made about Race, Resistance, and Romance. Bold Type Books, 2020.

Rasmussen, Crystal. Diary of a Drag Queen. FSG Originals, 2020.

Rogers, Baker A. Trans Men in the South: Becoming Men. Rowman & Littlefield, 2020.

Szewczyk, Jesse. Tasty Pride: 75 Recipes and Stories from the Queer Food Community. Clarkson Potter Publishers, 2020.

Thomas, R. Eric. Here for It: Or, How to Save Your Soul in America. Ballantine Books.



Under Consideration for April 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Awkward-Rich, Cameron. Dispatch. Persea Books, 2019.

Bibbins, Mark. 13th Balloon. Copper Canyon Press, 2020.

Brayden, Melissa. Back to September. Bold Strokes Books, 2019.

Cabez�n C�mara, Gabriela and Frances Riddle. Slum Virgin. Charco Press, 2019.

Coldiron, Katharine. Ceremonials. Kernpunkt Press, 2020.

Diaz, Natalie. Postcolonial Love Poem. Graywolf Press, 2020.

Kramer, Larry. The American People Volume 2: The Brutality of Fact, A Novel. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2020.

Plante, Hazel Jane. Little Blue Encyclopedia. Metonymy Press, 2019.

Reed, Justin Phillip. The Malevolent Volume. Coffee Press Books, 2020.

Smith, Danez. Homie. Graywolf Press, 2020.

Szpara, K. M. Docile. Tor, 2020.

Villanueva Siasoco, Ricco. The Foley Artist. Gaudy Boy, 2019.


Barker, Meg-John. Gender: A Graphic Guide. Icon Books, 2019.

Clemmons, Fran�ois. Officer Clemmons. Catapult, 2020.

Ruberg, Bonnie. Queer Games Avant-Garde. Duke University Press, 2020.

Shapland, Jenn. My Autobiography of Carson McCullers. Tin House Books, 2020.

Wizenberg, Molly. The Fixed Stars. Abrams Press, 2020.

Under Consideration for March 2020

The following titles have been read and recommended for inclusion on the final list by at least one juror:

Fiction and Poetry

Crain, Caleb. Overthrow. Penguin Random House, 2019.

Delgado Lopera, Juliana. Fiebre Tropical. Feminist Press, 2020.

Foster, Claire Rudy. Shine of the Ever. Interlude Press, 2019.

Gailey, Sarah. Upright Women Wanted. Tor, 2020.

Greenwell, Garth. Cleanness. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2020.

Heard, Wendy. The Kill Club. Mira Books, 2019.

Johnson, Cyree Jarelle. Slingshot. Nightboat Books, 2019.

Klune, TJ. The House in the Cerulean Sea. Tor, 2020.

Laskey, Celia. Under the Rainbow. Riverhead, 2020.

Lee, Joon Oluchi. Neotenica. Nightboat Books, 2020.

Martin, Kimmery. The Antidote for Everything. Berkley, 2020.

Moskovich, Yelena. Virtuoso. Two Dollar Radio, 2020.

Muir, Tasmyn. Harrow the Ninth. Tor, 2020.

Phillips, Xandria. Hull. Nightboat Books, 2019.

Porter, Chana. The Seep. Soho Press, 2020.

Taylor, Brandon. Real Life. Riverhead, 2020.


Arceneaux, Michael. I Don’t Want to Die Poor. Atria Books, 2020.

Gottlieb, Iris. Seeing Gender. Chronicle Books, 2019.

Koets, Julia. Rib Joint: A Memoir in Essays. Red Hen Press, 2020.

Lavery, Daniel. Something that May Shock and Discredit You. Simon and Schuster, 2020.

Li, Helen, Jake Hall, Jasjyot Singh Hans, Sofie Birkin. The Art of Drag. Nobrow Press, 2020.