Author Archives: OTR_Danielle

2013 Over the Rainbow List: 84 LGBT Books for Adult Readers

The 2013 Over the Rainbow Project book list, sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) of the American Library Association (ALA), has just been decided at ALA’s Midwinter Meeting in Seattle. This year’s list includes 84 titles published between July 1, 2011 and Dec. 31, 2012. The committee’s mission is to […]

And the nominees are…

The Over the Rainbow Committee is proud to announce the list of nominees for the next Over the Rainbow List. We have a total of 163 books under consideration this year, each nominated by at least one member of the committee, and will be working hard between now and the ALA Midwinter Meeting in January […]

October Nominations from OTR

October was a great month for reading, and the final month in this year’s OTR nomination period. Below are the newest titles that have been nominated for consideration for the Over the Rainbow List by at least one member of the committee: Arsand, Daniel. Lovers. Europa Editions. Atkins, Gary L. Imagining Gay Paradise: Bali, Bangkok and Cyber-Singapore. Hong […]

New September 2012 Nominations from OTR

Looking for something new to read this fall? The following titles have been nominated for consideration for this year’s Over the Rainbow List by at least one member of the committee: Against Equality: Don’t Ask to Fight Their Wars. Ed. by Ryan Conrad. Against Equality Press. Boyne, John. The Absolutist. Other Press. Brickell, Chris. Manly Affections: […]

Amazing August 2012 Nominations

Below are the newest titles that have been nominated for consideration for this year’s Over the Rainbow List by at least one member of the committee: Aoki, Ryka. Seasonal Velocities. Trans-Genre Press. Beemyn, Genny and Susan Rankin. The Lives of Transgender People. Columbia University Press. Boag, Peter. Re-Dressing America’s Frontier Past. University of California Press. […]

Hot July 2012 Nominations

July was a good month to read a good book or several. Below are the newest titles that have been nominated for consideration for this year’s Over the Rainbow List by at least one member of the committee: Blackburn, Mollie V. Interrupting Hate: Homophobia in Schools and What Literacy Can Do About It. Teacher’s College […]

June 2012 Nominations

Below are the newest titles that have been nominated for consideration for this year’s Over the Rainbow List by at least one member of the committee: Carey, Mike, Linda Carey and Louise Carey. The Steel Seraglio. ChiZine Publications. Jeffers, Alex. You Will Meet a Stranger Far from Home: Wonder Stories. Lethe Press. Lennon, Robert. The […]

May 2012 Nominations

Below are the newest titles that have been nominated for consideration for this year’s Over the Rainbow List by at least one member of the committee: Anshaw, Carol. Carry the One. Simon & Schuster. Bodies of Evidence: The Practice of Queer Oral History. Ed. by Nan Alamilla Boyd and Horacio N. Roque Ramírez. Oxford University […]

April 2012 Nominations

OTR jurors were reading a lot this April! Below are the new titles that have been nominated for consideration for this year’s Over the Rainbow List by at least one member of the committee: Aldrich, Robert. Gay Lives. Thames & Hudson. Avery, Ellis. The Last Nude. Riverhead. Bechdel, Alison. Are You My Mother?: A Comic […]

March 2012 Nominations

The OTR committee would like to keep you up to date on what we’ve read and enjoyed each past month. Below are the titles that have been nominated for consideration for this year’s Over the Rainbow List by at least one member of the committee: Bram, Christopher. Eminent Outlaws: The Gay Writers Who Changed America. […]