Author Archives: blogando

2012 Over the Rainbow List–74 LGBT Books for Adult Readers!

This year’s jury  identified 263 titles to be considered for the  list.  Eligible, books were published between July 1, 2010 and December 31, 2011.  Jurors compiled a list of 140 books with at least one juror nomination.  Of those books, 103  were from small, independent publishers, self-published or from University Presses.  Seven of the nominated […]

And the nominations are…OTR 2011 LGBT Books!

Over the Rainbow Project  is very proud to announce that we have 140 titles under consideration for next year’s recommended OTR List.  We have culled this list from approximately  260 eligible titles  published since July 1, 2010.  A title is considered “nominated” when at least one committee member has read the book in its entirety […]

October 2011 Nominations for Over the Rainbow Books

Bellerose, Sally.  The Girls Club.  Bywater Books. Dellamora, Richard.  Radclyffe Hall:  A Life in the Writing (Haney Foundation Series).  University of Pennsylvania Press. Dhalla, Ghalib Shiraz.  The Two Krishnas.  Magnus Books. Files, Gemma.  A Rope of Thorns:  Book Two of the Hexslinger Series.   ChiZine. Hart, Ellen.  Lost Women of Lost Lake.  Minotaur Books. Hollinghurst, […]

September Over the Rainbow Book Nominations–good reading for everyone!

Currimbhoy, Nayana. Miss Timmins’ School for Girls.   Harper.  Ehrensaft, Diane.  Gender Born, Gender Made:  Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children.  The Experiment. Gibson, Wesley.  Personal Saviors.  Chelsea Station. Graves, Michael.  Dirty One.   Chelsea Station. Hoffman, Wayne.  Sweet Like Sugar.   Kensington. Jansson, Tove.  Fair Play.  New York Review of Books Classics. Johnson, Tenea D.  Smoketown.  Blind Eye Books. […]

August Nominations for Over the Rainbow Books

Ambrose, Tom.  Heroes and Exiles: Gay Icons Through the Ages.  New Holland. Schilt, Kristin.  Just One of the Guys?: Transgender Men and the Persistence of Gender Inequality.  University of Chicago Press.

Hot July Nominations from Over the Rainbow Committee-LGBT Books for Adult Readers

Adams, Nene.  The Curse of the Jade Dragon.  P.D. Publishing. Bond, Justin.  Tango:  My Childhood, Backwards and in High Heels.  Feminist Press. Currier, Jameson.  The Third Buddha.  Chelsea Station. Hernandez, Jaime.  Esperanza:  A Love and Rockets Book.  Fantagraphics. Jae.  Hidden Truths.  L-Book ePublisher. Jeffers, Alex.  The Abode of Bliss: Ten Stories for Adam.  Lethe Press. […]

And the June nominations* for Over the Rainbow’s Summer Reading for Adults are–

Baim, Tracy and Owen Keehnen. Leatherman: The Legend of Chuck Renslow.  Prairie Avenue Productions. Bronski, Michael. A Queer History of the United States.  Beacon. Creech, Jimmy. Adam’s Gift:  A Memoir of a Pastor’s Calling to Defy the Church’s Persecution of Lesbians and Gays.  Duke University Press. Cruse, Howard.  The Complete Wendel. Universe Publishing. Duberman, Martin. […]

May 2011 Nominations for Over the Rainbow Books–LGBT Books for Adult Readers!

Here are the titles we’ve enjoyed reading this month–to get “nominated” at least one member of our committee has voted “yes” that it should be nominated– Berman, Steve, ed.  Wilde Stories 2011 – The Year’s Best Gay Speculative Fiction. Lethe Press. Berube, Allan, John Emilio and Estelle B. Freedman.  My Desire for History:  Essays in […]

April 2011 Nominations for Over the Rainbow Books–LGBT Books for Adult Readers!

Bright, Susie.  Big Sex Little Death. Seal Press. Corber, Robert J.  Cold War Femme: Lesbianism, National Identity, and Hollywood Cinema.  Duke University Press. Decena, Carlos  Ulises.   Tacit Subjects.  Duke University Press. Gallaway, Matthew.  The Metropolis Case. Crown. Ladin, Joy.  Coming to Life:  Poetry.  Sheep Meadow Press. Luczak, Raymond.  Road Work Ahead. Sibling Rivalry Press. […]

March 2011 Nominations for Over the Rainbow Books–LGBT Books for Adult Readers!

GLBT Oral History Project. Queer Twin Cities. University of Minnesota.  Baim, Tracy. Obama and the Gays: A Political Marriage. Create Space. Harvey, Ken. The Passionate Engagement. Aequitas Books/Pleasure Boat Studio. Holland, Walter. Circuit. Chelsea Station. Katz, Jonathan D. Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture. Random House. Mogul, Joey L., Andrea J. Ritchie, Kay Whitlock. […]