June 2014

By Kelly McElroy  

The following 31 books have been read and recommended for consideration for the final list by at least one juror.

Aletti, Vince and Peter Hujar. Peter Hujar: Love & Lust. Fraenkel Gallery.

Als, Hilton. White Girls. McSweeneys.

Boies, David and Theodore B. Olson. Redeeming the Dream: The Case for Marriage Equality. Viking Adult.

Brodhus, Charlie. All the Heat We Could Carry. Main Street Rag.

Browne, John. The Glass Closet: Why Coming Out is Good Business. Harper Business.

Cleaves, Rachel Hope. Charity and Sylvia: A Same Sex Marriage in Early America. Oxford University Press.

Dia, Felix. Nochita. City Lights Publishers.

Douglas, Orville Lloyd. Under My Skin. Guernica Editions.

Duberman, Martin. Hold Tight Gently: Michael Callen, Essex Hemphill, and the Battlefield of AIDS. New Press.

Griner, Brittney. In My Skin: My Life on and off the Basketball Court. It Books.

Hamilton, Ian. The Water Rat of Wanchai. Picador.

Hanhardt, Christina. Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and Politics of Violence. Duke University Press.

Jenkins, Janette. Firefly. Europa Editions.

Johnson, Dominic, ed. Pleading in the Blood: the art and performances of Ron Athey. Live Art Development Agency/Intellect.

Kobayashi, Tamai. Prairie Ostrich. Goose Lane.

Lambert, Sheela, ed. Best Bi Fiction. Gressive Press.

L’Heureux, John. The Medici Boy. Astor and Blue.

Lim, Elisha. 100 Crushes. Koyama Press.

Miaojin, Qiu. Last Words from Montmartre. New York Review Books Classics.

Najmabadi, Afsaneh. Professing Selves: Transsexuality and Same-Sex Desire in Contemporary Iran. Duke University Press.

Nickerson, Billeh. Artificial Cherry. Arsenal Pulp Press.

Ochoa, Marcia. Queen for a Day: Transformistas, Beauty Queens, and the Performance of Femininity in Venezuela. Duke University Press.

Picano, Felice. True Stories Too: People and Places From My Past. Chelsea Station Editions.

Prose, Francine. Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris 1932: a novel. Harper Collins.

Smith, Tom Rob. The Farm. Grand Central Publishing.

Spinelli, Frank. Pee-Shy. Kensington Books.

Sprecher, Lorrie. Pissing in a River. Feminist Press.

Theall, Michelle. Teaching the Cat to Sit: A MemoirGallery Books.

Walsh, Kenneth M. Wasn’t Tomorrow Wonderful? Riverdale Avenue Books.

Wharton, James. Out in the Army: My Life as a Gay Soldier. Biteback Publishing.

Wilson, L. Lamar. Prime: Poetry and Conversation. Sibling Rivalry Press.

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