OTR May 2013 Nominations

By otrrobert2  

After April, May brought 31 new works to the attention of our jurors.  The following have all been nominated by at least one of our committee for consideration in this year’s Over the Rainbow list.

Berstein, Mary and Verta Taylor. Marrying Kind? Debating Same-Sex Marriage Within the Lesbian and Gay Movement. University of Minnesota Press.

Cullen, Nancy Jo. Canary. Biblioasis Books.

Duberman, Martin. Martin Duberman Reader. The New Press.

Dumesnil. Cheryl. Love Song for Baby X. Ig Publishing.

Fahey, Paul, ed. The Other Man: 21 Writers Speak Candidly About Sex, Love, Infidelity, and Moving On. JMS Books LLC.

Frangione, Lucia. Leave of Absence. Talon books.

Georges, Nicole J. Calling Dr. Laura. Mariner Books.

Gonzalez, Roberto. Red-Inked Retablos. University of Arizona Press.

Henderson, Lisa. Love and Money: Queers, Class and Cultural Production. NYU Press.

Herrada, Gilles. Missing Myth: A New Vision of Same-Sex Love. Select books.

Hoffert, Melanie. Prairie Silence. Beacon Press.

Hoffman, Amy. Lies About My Family. University of Massachusetts Press.

Hume, Robert J. Courthouse Democracy and Minority Rights: Same-Sex Marriage in the States. Oxford University Press.

Jarnot, Lisa. Robert Duncan, the Ambassador from Venus: A Biography. University of California Press.

Johnson, Tenea and Steve Berman, ed. Heiresses of Russ 2013. Lethe Press.

Krughoff, Laura. My Brother’s Name: A Novel. Scarletta Press.

Leddick, David. The Beauty of Men Never Dies. University of Wisconsin Press.

Mann, Jeff. A Romantic Mann. Lethe Press.

McKenna, Neil. Fanny & Stella: The Young Men Who Shocked Victorian England. Faber and Faber.

Nikolopoulos, Angelo. Obscenely Yours. Alice James Books.

Rich, B. Ruby. New Queer Cinema: The Director’s Cut. Duke University Press.

Sadowski, Michael. In a Queer Voice: Journeys of Resilience from Adolescence to Adulthood. Temple University Press.

Savage, Dan. American Savage: Insights, Slights, and Fights on Faith, Sex, Love, and Politics. Dutton.

Shelton, Michael. Family Pride: What LGBT Families Should Know About Navigating Home, School, and Safety in their Neighborhoods. Beacon Press.

Short, Donn. Don’t be So Gay: Queers, Bullying, and Making Schools Safe. University of British Columbia Press.

Van Cleve, Stewart. Land of 10,000 Loves: A History of Queer Minnesota. University of Minnesota Press.

Volpert, Megan. This Assignment is so Gay: LGBTIQ Poets on the Art of Teaching. Sibling Rivalry Press.

Walby, Kevin. Touching Encounters: Sex, Work, and Male-to-Male Internet Escorting. University of Chicago Press.

Winterson, Jeanette. The Daylight Gate. Hammer Books.

Woods, Chavisa. The Albino Album. Seven Stories Press.

Yue, Audrey. Queer Singapore: Illiberal Citizenship and Mediated Cultures. Hong Kong University Press.

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