Looking for something new to read this fall? The following titles have been nominated for consideration for this year’s Over the Rainbow List by at least one member of the committee:
Against Equality: Don’t Ask to Fight Their Wars. Ed. by Ryan Conrad. Against Equality Press.
Boyne, John. The Absolutist. Other Press.
Brickell, Chris. Manly Affections: The Photographs of Robert Gant, 1885-1915. Genre Books.
Coyote, Ivan E. One in Every Crowd. Arsenal Pulp Press.
Liu, Marjorie & Mike Perkins. Astonishing X-Men: Northstar. Marvel Comics.
Loftin, Craig M. Masked Voices: Gay Men and Lesbians in Cold War America. State University of New York Press.
Love, Christopher Street: Reflections of New York. Ed. by Thomas Keith. Vantage Point.
Muraco, Anna. Odd Couples: Friendships at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation. Duke University Press.
Rand, Erica. Red Nails, Black Skates: Gender, Cash, and Pleasure On and Off the Ice. Duke University Press.
Spoon, Rae. First Spring Grass Fire. Arsenal Pulp Press.
Torregrosa, Luisita Lopez. Before the Rain: A Memoir of Love and Revolution. Houghton.
Vargas Llosa, Mario. The Dream of the Celt. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Williams III, J.H., W. Hayden Blackman, and Amy Reeder. Batwoman: Hydrology. D.C. Comics.