- Bellaltin, Mario. Beauty Salon. City Lights.
- Bidulka, Anthony . Aloha, Candy Hearts. Insomniac Press.
- Bornstein, Kate & S. Bear Bergman. Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation. Seal Press.
- Brownworth, Victoria. Day of the Dead. Spinsters Ink.
- Bryne, Paula. Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead. Harper.
- Callahan, Gerald . Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of the Two Sexes. Chicago Review Press.
- Callen, Paulette . Command of Silence. Spinsters Ink.
- Donoghue, Emma. Inseparable: Desire Between Women in Literature. Knopf.
- Dumesnil, Cheryl. In Praise of Falling. U of Pittsburgh.
- Dytyniak, Mary. Guys Just Don’t Kiss like That. Life Rattle Press (Toronto).
- Gray, Mary L. Out in the Country: Youth, Media & Queer Visibility in Rural America. New York Univ. Press.
- Kabakov, Miryam. Keep Your Wives Away from Them: Writings by and about Orthodox LBT Women. North Atlantic.
- Kilmer-Purcell, Josh Harper. Bucolic Plague, The: How 2 Manhattanites Became Gentleman Farmers. Harper.
- Lanyon, Josh. Strange Fortune. Blind Eye Books.
- McCauley, Stephen. Insignificant Others. Simon & Schuster.
- Ruff, Shawn Stewart/Claude-Albert Saucier. Toss and Whirl and Pass. Quote Editions.
- Waters, John. Role Models. Farrar Straus and Giroux.