And the nominations are…OTR 2011 LGBT Books!

By blogando  

Over the Rainbow Project  is very proud to announce that we have 140 titles under consideration for next year’s recommended OTR List.  We have culled this list from approximately  260 eligible titles  published since July 1, 2010.  A title is considered “nominated” when at least one committee member has read the book in its entirety and votes “yes” in our straw poll.  We will continue reading until ALA Mid-Winter in Dallas, where we will make our final decisions and publish 2012’s  OTR Annotated Bibliography–and don’t forget, books make lovely Winter Solstice gifts!

Adams, Nene.  The Curse of the Jade Dragon. P.D. Publishing.
Alenyikow, Michael.   Ivan and Misha: Stories.  Triquarterly.
Ambrose, Tom.  Heroes and Exiles: Gay Icons Through the Ages.   New Holland.
Baim, Tracy and Owen Keehnen.  Leatherman: The Legend of Chuck Renslow.  Prairie Avenue Productions.
Baim, Tracy.   Obama and the Gays: A Political Marriage.   CreateSpace.
Bellerose, Sally.   The Girls Club.  Bywater Books.
Berman, Steve, ed. Wilde Stories 2011 – The Year’s Best Gay Speculative Fiction. Lethe Press.
Berube, Allan, John Emilio and Estelle B. Freedman.   My Desire for History:  Essays in Gay, Community and Labor History.   University of North Carolina Press.
Bond, Justin.   Tango:  My Childhood, Backwards and in High Heels.   Feminist Press.
Bono, Chaz.   Transition: The Story of How I Became a Man.  Dutton.
Botto, Antonio, Josiah Blackmore, Fernando Pessoa.   Songs of Antonio Botto.  University of Minnesota.
Bright, Susie.  Big Sex Little Death.  Seal Press.
Bronski, Michael.  A Queer History of the United States.  Beacon.
Carey, Jacqueline.  Naamah’s Blessing.  Grand Central Publishing.
Corber, Robert J.  Cold War Femme: Lesbianism, National Identity, and Hollywood Cinema.   Duke University Press.
Cox, Daniel Allen.  Krakow Melt. Arsenal Pulp.
Coyote, Ivan.  Persistence:  A Butch/Femme Anthology.  Arsenal Pulp.
Creech, Jimmy.  Adam’s Gift:  A Memoir of a Pastor’s Calling to Defy the Church’s Persecution of Lesbians and Gays.  Duke University Press.
Cruse, Howard.  Complete Wendel.   Universe Publishing.
Currier, Jameson.  The Third Buddha.  Chelsea Station.
Currimbhoy, Nayana.  Miss Timmins’ School for Girls.  Harper.
Decena, Carlos Ulises.  Tacit Subjects : Belonging and Same-Sex Desire Among Dominican Immigrant Men.  Duke University Press.
Dellamora, Richard.   Radclyffe Hall:  A Life in the Writing (Haney Foundation Series).  University of Pennsylvania Press.
Dhalla, Ghalib Shiraz.  The Two Krishnas.  Magnus Books.
Duberman, Martin.  A Saving Remnant: The Radical Lives of Barbara Deming and David McReynolds.   New Press.
Lima,  Lázaro, ed.,  and Felice Picano, ed. Ambientes: New Queer Latino Writing.  University  of Wisconsin.
Ehrensaft, Diane.  Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children.  The Experiment.
Elledge, Jim, ed. Queers in American Pop Culture.  Praeger.
Festing, Issy.  The Bird Keeper.  Guild.
Files, Gemma.  Rope of Thorns: Book Two of the Hexslinger Series.  ChiZine.
Fletcher, Jane. Wolfsbane Winter.  Bold Strokes.
Frey, J.M. Triptych.  Dragon Moon Press.
Gallaway, Matthew.  The Metropolis Case.  Crown.
Gardner, Kimberly.  Too Soon for Love.  MLR Press.
Ghosh, Shohini.  Fire. Arsenal Pulp.
Gibson, Wesley.  Personal Saviors.  Chelsea Station.
Ginsberg, Debra.  The Neighbors Are Watching.  Crown.
GLBT Oral History Project.  Queer Twin Cities.  University of Minnesota.
Goliger, Gabriella.  Girl Unwrapped.  Arsenal Pulp.
Graves, Michael.  Dirty One.  Chelsea Station.
Gupta, Sunil.  Queer Sunil Gupta.  Prestel USA.
Hart, Ellen.  Lost Women of Lost Lake.  Minotaur Books.
Harvey, Ken.  The Passionate Engagement. Aequitas Books/Pleasure Boat Studio.
Henderson, Kristen and Sarah Ellis.   Times Two: Two Women in Love and the Happy Family They Made.   Free Press.
Hernandez, Jaime.  Esperanza: A Love and Rockets Book.  Fantagraphics.
Hoffman, Wayne.  Sweet like Sugar.  Kensington.
Hok-Sze Leung, Helen.  Farewell My Concubine.  Arsenal Pulp.
Holland, Walter.  Circuit.  Chelsea Station.
Hollinghurst, Alan.  The Stranger’s Child.  Knopf.
Isherwood, Christopher.  Sixties, The:  Diaries 1960-1969.  Harper.
Jacobs, Fay.   For Frying Out Loud – Rehoboth Beach Diaries.  A and M Books.
Jae.  Hidden Truths.  L-Book ePublisher.
Jansson, Tove.  Fair Play.  NYRB Classics.
Jeffers, Alex.   The Abode of Bliss: Ten Stories for Adam.  Lethe Press.
Mogul, Joey L. and  Andrea J. Ritchie, Kay Whitlock.  Queer (In)justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States.  Beacon.
Johnson, Tenea D. Smoketown.  Blind Eye Books.
Katz, Jonathan D. Hide/Seek:  Difference and Desire in American Portraiture. Random House.
Kelly, Nigel.  Quentin Crisp: The Profession of Being.  McFarland.
Kemp, Jonathan.  London Triptych.  Myriad.
Kidd, Kenneth, PhD and Michelle Ann Abate, PhD.  Over the Rainbow: Queer Children’s and Young Adult Literature.  University of Michigan.
Knauer, Nancy J. Gay and Lesbian Elders.  Ashgate.
Knust, Jennifer Wright.  Unprotected Texts: The Bible’s Surprising Contradictions about Sex and Desire.   HarperOne.
Krieger, Irwin.  Helping Your Transgender Teen:  A Guide for  Parents.  Genderwise Press.
Ladin, Joy.  Coming to Life: Poetry.  Sheep Meadow Press.
Lee, Tanith.  Disturbed by Her Song.  Lethe Press.
Lemer,Bronson.  Last Deployment, The: How a Gay, Hammer-Swinging Twentysomething Survived a Year in Iraq.  University  of Wisconsin.
Levithan, David.  The Lover’s Dictionary: A Novel.  Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.
Linmark, R. Zamora.  Leche.  Coffee House Press.
Luczak, Raymond.  Road Work Ahead.  Sibling Rivalry Press.
Lynch, Jane.  Happy Accidents.  Hyperion.
Makkai, Rebecca.  The Borrower.  Viking.
Martin, C. Andrew.  Reflections of a Loving Partner:  Caregiving at the End of Life.  Quality of Life.
Martin, Ricky.  Me.  Celebra.
Maupin, Armistead.  Mary Ann in Autumn:  A Tale of the City  Novel.  Harper.
McDermid, Val.  Trick of the Dark.  Bywater Books.
McHugh, Erin and Jennifer May.  The L Life:  Extraordinary Lesbians Making a Difference.   Stewart, Tabori,  & Chang.
Mehta, Rahul.  Quarantine:  Stories.  HarperPerennial.
Merey, Ilike.  a + e 4ever. Lethe Press.
Michaud, Michael Grett.  Sal Mineo.  Crown Archetype.
Mixner, David.  At Home With Myself.  Magnus Books.
Moore, Lisa L. Sister Arts:  The Erotics of Lesbian Landscapes.  University of Minnesota.
Mournian, Tomas.  Hidden.  Kensington.
Murray, Heather.  Not in This Family : Gays and the Meaning of Kinship in Postwar North America. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Myers, Andrea. The Choosing:  A Rabbi’s Journey from Silent Nights to High Holy Days.  Rutgers.
Myles, Eileen.  Inferno (A Poet’s Novel).  OR Books.
Nectoux, Tracy ed. Out Behind the Desk: Workplace Issues for LGBTQ Librarians.  Library Juice Press.
Newton, Heather.   Under the Mercy Trees.  Harper.
Nicholas, Peter and Mike Strong.  The Geography of Love:  Same Sex Marriage and Relationaship Recognition in America (A Story in Maps).  CreateSpace.
Olson, Loren A., M.D. Finally Out: Letting Go of Living Straight, A Psychiatrist’s Own Story.   inGroup Press.
O’Neill, Tony.  Sick City.  HarperPerennial.
Packard, Georgeann.  Fall Asleep Forgetting.   Permanent Press.
Paltrow, Steven.  Steven Petrow’s Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners: The Definitive Guide to LGBT Life.   Workman Publishing Company.
Pasfield, Scott.  Gay in America:  Portraits by Scott Pasfield. Welcome Books.
Picano, Felice.  True Stories:  Portrait from My Past. Chelsea Station.
Pitts, J.A. Honeyed Words.  Tor Books.
Pratt, David.  Bob the Book.  Chelsea Station.
Priest, Cherie.  Hellbent.  Ballantine.
Puenzo, Lucia.  The Fish Child.   Texas Tech Press.
Reigns, Steven.   Inheritance.   Sibling Rivalry Press.
Retief, Glen.   The Jack Bank: A Memoir of a South African Childhood.  St. Martin’s Press.
Rouse, Wade .  It’s All Relative Two Families, Three Dogs, 34 Holidays, and 50 Boxes of Wine (A Memoir).  Random House.
Rudnick, Paul.   The Collected Plays of Paul Rudnick.  Itbooks/Harper.
Ryan, Garry.  Malabarista.  NeWest Press.
Ryman, Geoff.  Paradise Tales.  Small Beer Press.
Monette, Sarah and Elizabeth Bear.  The Tempering of Men.  Tor Books.
Sassone, Ralph.  The Intimates.  Macmillan.
Savage,  Dan and Terry Miller.  It Gets Better.  Dutton.
Schaefer, Max.  Children of the Sun.  Soft Skull.
Schiavi,Michael.  Celluloid Activist: The Life and Times of Vito Russo.  University of Wisconsin.

Schilt, Kristin.  Just One of the Guys?: Transgender Men and the Persistence of Gender Inequality.  University of Chicago Press.
Schwartz, James.  The Literary Party:  A Collection of Poetry by James Schwartz.  InGroup Press.
Servin, James.  Lovestruck.  Epigraph.
Sherman, Scott.  Second You Sin.  Kensington.
Shiner, Eric C., Simone Fukayuki; photo. Tomoaki Hata.  The Night Is Still Young.   Power House Books.
Silverstein, Charles.  For the Ferryman:  A Personal History.  Chelsea Station.
Simmonds, Kevin, ed. Collective Brightness:  LGBTIQ Poets on Faith, Religion and Spirituality.  Sibling Rivalry Press.
Smith, Bob.  Remembrance of Things I Forgot: A Novel.  University  of Wisconsin.
Smith, Michael V. Progress.  Cormorant Books Inc.
Spear, Alan.  Crossing the Barriers:  The Autobiography of Alan H. Spear. University of Minnesota.
Stoddard, Christopher.   White, Christian Spuyten Duyvil Press/Triton Books.
Swan, Rebecca, ed. and Judith Halberstam, ed. Assume Nothing. Soft Skull.
Thomas, Lee.  The German.  Lethe Press.
Thompson, Mark, and Richard Neely.  Fire in moonlight : stories from the Radical Faeries : 1975-2010.  The White Crane Books.
Tiber, Elliot.  Palm Trees on the Hudson: A True Story of the Mob, Judy Garland & Interior Decorating.   Square One Publishers.
Toibin, Colm.  The Empty Family.  Scribner.
Torres, Justin.  We the Animals.  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Tremain, Rose.  Trespass:  A Novel.  Norton.
Vanderhooft, JoSelle, ed. Steam-Powered: Lesbian Steampunk Stories.  Torquere Press.
Vanderhooft, JoSelle, ed., Catherine Lundoff, ed.  Hellebore & Rue: Tales of Queer Women and Magic.  Lethe Press.
Van der Merwe, Andre Carl.  Moffie.  Europa Books.

Van Meter, Ryan.  If You Knew Then What I Know Now.  Sarabande.
Vuong, Ocean.   Burnings.  Sibling Rivalry Press.
Walker, Persia.  Black Orchid Blues.  Akashic.
Walsh, Candace and Laura Andre, eds. Dear John, I Love Jane:  Women Write about Leaving Men for Women.  Seal Press.
Watton, J. Lee.  Out of Step.  A and M Books.
Weaver, Vicki.  Billie Girl.  Leapfrog.
Weir, Johnny . Welcome to My World.   Gallery.
Winter, Kathleen.  Annabel.  Black Cat Publishing.
Wolverton, Terry.  Stealing Angel.   Spinsters Ink.
Yeros, Dimitris, Photos and Poetry by C.P. Cavafy.  Shades of Love: Photographs Inspired by the Poems of C.P. Cavafy.  Insight Editions.