May 2011 Nominations for Over the Rainbow Books–LGBT Books for Adult Readers!

By blogando  

Here are the titles we’ve enjoyed reading this month–to get “nominated” at least one member of our committee has voted “yes” that it should be nominated–

Berman, Steve, ed.  Wilde Stories 2011 – The Year’s Best Gay Speculative Fiction. Lethe Press.

Berube, Allan, John Emilio and Estelle B. Freedman.  My Desire for History:  Essays in Gay, Community and Labor History.  University of North Carolina Press.

Bono, Chaz.  Transition: The Story of How I Became a Man.  Dutton.

Botto, Antonio, Josiah Blackmore, Fernando Pessoa.  Songs of Antonio Botto.  University of Minnesota Press.

Carey, Jacqueline.  Naamah’s Blessing.  Grand Central Publishing.

Jacobs, Fay.  For Frying Out Loud – Rehoboth Beach Diaries .  A & M Books.

Coyote, Ivan.  Persistence:  A Butch/Femme Anthology.  Aequitas Books/Pleasure Boat Studio.

Fletcher, Jane.  Wolfsbane Winter.  Bold Strokes.

Gardner, Kimberly.  Too Soon for Love.  MLR Press.

Henderson, Kristen and Sarah Ellis.  Times Two: Two Women in Love and the Happy Family They Made.  Free Press.

Isherwood, Christopher.  The Sixties:  Diaries 1960-1969.  Harper.

Krieger, Nick.  Nina Here Nor There: My Journey Beyond Gender.  Beacon.

Nicholas, Peter and Mike Strong.  Geography of Love, The:  Same Sex Marriage and Relationaship Recognition in America (A Story in Maps). Create Space.

Olson, Loren A., M.D.  Finally Out: Letting Go of Living Straight, A Psychiatrist’s Own Story .  InGroup Press.

Rudnick, Paul.  The Collected Plays of Paul Rudnick.  Itbooks/Harper.

Shiner, Eric C., Simone Fukayuki; photo. Tomoaki Hata.  The Night Is Still Young.  powerHouse Books.

Spear, Alan.  Crossing the Barriers:  The Autobiography of Alan H. Spear.  University of Minnesota Press.

Tiber, Elliot.  Palm Trees on the Hudson: A True Story of the Mob, Judy Garland & Interior Decorating.  Square One Publishers.









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